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Carlos opened the door and got our food. He walked back into the living room and set it on the canter table. Adriana passed everyone's food out to them. Once we finished eating we sat around talking for a little bit.

Adri: guys it's almost Halloween!

C: what's so amazing about Halloween?

Leila: I literally throw the biggest Halloween party.

A: why didn't I ever hear about the biggest Halloween party?

Leila: it's by invite only.

C: so it's a fancy Halloween party?

Leila: sure. If that's what you want to call it.

Adri: I'm so excited to go to it this year!

A: who's on the invite list this year?

Leila: Alex, Carlos, Adriana, Gio, Joey, Cody, Hali'a, Sig, Zoe, Brandon, and lots of kids from other schools. It's just something where all of my friends can get together.

A: oh that sounds nice.

Leila: yeah it's always a big blowout.

C: I went to one of her parties a few years ago.
It was literally the best thing ever.

A: why didn't we get invited to any of them?

Leila: I didn't really know you back then.

A: will we be getting an invite this year?

Leila: depends...

A: seriously?

Leila: I'm playing with you. Of course you're going to get an invite.

I had been planning out my party for a few months. My parents aren't going to be home this year for the party. Normally my parents are around for my parties, but not this time, which makes me a little nervous. Laci was going to be there at my party this time. Everyone got up and walked out of the door. Alex kept me in his grip the whole way out to Carlos's car. We drove to the movie theater and walked in. Alex bought my ticket even though I insisted that I would buy it. We walked into the screening room of the movie theater and sat down. Alex put his arm around me and leaned closer to me. He kept moving closer to me.

Leila: Alex what's wrong?

A: that guy is checking you out.

I turned around and saw Brandon staring at me. He flashed me his toothy smile,  just like I remember, mesmerizing.

When Cameron took me to the college party I kind of got lost in the crowd. College boys kept giving me drinks and I didn't stop drinking. Finally Brandon pulled me out of the crowd.

B: you definitely aren't old enough to be drinking.

Leila: why not?

B: how old are you?

Leila: 15... 20... I couldn't tell ya.

B: maybe we should get out of here. This place is giving bad vibes.

Leila: ok

Brandon took me outside and handed me his bottle of water.

B: drink this.

Leila: are you drugging me?

B: of course not. You need to sober up a little bit.

I drank the whole bottle and it made me feel a little better.

B: who are you here with? You're definitely not in college.

Leila: Cameron brought me.

B: is he your boyfriend?

Leila: why?

B: because I think that it would be a good position for me.

Brandon flashed me his mesmerizing smile.

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