chapter nine

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Alex's perspective
I walked home and I got a sick feeling in my stomach. One of my best friends was flirting with my girl. I know he liked her, I know it made him mad when I asked her out, but that just pushed me over the edge. I decided I was going call him and call him out.

*ongoing call*
J: hello
A: hey we need to talk
J: ok about what
A: Y/N
J: dude I've told you that nothing happened between us that night your just paranoid
A: you were flirting with her
J: maybe I tried
A: lay off my girl ok
J: Whatever dude
A:*hangs up*

Leila's perspective
I opened the door and paid for our pizza. When I put it on the counter laci dived right into it. When we both got a plate full of pizza slices we went over and sat on the couch.

L: I thought you liked Joey.
Leila: well I guess you were wrong.
L: I think you still do you just don't know it yet.
Leila: lac I'm in love with Alex
L: so you can't tell me after four years of crushing on Joey you feel absolutely nothing for him.
Leila: no he's just my friend
L: ok. Whatever you say Leila.
Leila: ok so what about you who are you crushing on
L: promise not to freak out or tell anyone
Leila: promise
L: I may or may not like more than one person.
Leila: ok and these persons names are
L: well.. you know Aiden and Logan

This is Aiden

And this is Logan

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And this is Logan.

I couldn't believe that my younger sister likes my friends

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I couldn't believe that my younger sister likes my friends. Life is crazy. I'm caught up in a love triangle with my two people I've been best friends with since fifth grade, my sister likes two boys in my grade, I don't want to know what comes next.

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