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I had more energy than normal when I woke up. I got around and made myself breakfast. My parents ended up leaving early this morning, so I didn't see them. I locked the door and walked outside to catch the bus. After waiting for about 15 minutes the bus finally arrived. When I walked up the stairs I scanned the bus looking for alex. When I found him, I smiled and sat next to him.

A: hey
Leila: hey

Alex and I didn't really seem to talk very much on the way to school. After the bus pulled into the drop off at the school, I pushed out of the bus seat and Alex followed directly behind me. When I got inside the school Alex kissed my forehead than I walked over to Cameron. I've been talking to him a lot more recently.

Leila: hey cam
C: what was that
Leila: with Alex??
C: yeah with Alex. What else would I be talking about?
Leila: I don't know...
C: you guys are back together, aren't you?
Leila: yeah we are
C: why didn't you tell me?
Leila: I didn't think I had too. We didn't tell anyone. We are just letting people figure it out.
C: you could have at least told me.
Leila: why tell you and not anyone else?
C: because I love you and you know that. Now that you're back with Alex, it feels like your letting go of me. If you would have told me at least I would be prepared to let go of you.
Leila: your not letting go of me. I'm not letting go of you, ok?
C: ok

About 3 minuets later the bell rung. I walked up to my locker. I got my books and waited for Alex. When he got to my locker he took my book and we walked to first period together.

When the last bell of the day rung I walked to my locker. After I got there, I saw Gio leaning up against it.

Leila: yes..?
G: did you hear what people are saying?
Leila: depends I hear a lot of things.
G: Miranda and Alex kissed
Leila: when?
G: at the dance.
Leila: Alex would of told me if that happened. I don't believe you.
G: ok just figured I'd tell you

I pushed Gio out of the way, so I could get my books from my locker. I got my books and my bag. Alex walked over to my locker.

A: hey Gio
G: hey
Leila: Alex we should get going
G: I could take you guys home if you wanted.
A: I'm down
Leila: fine let's go

Gio showed us out to his car. Alex opened my door than got into the other side. Gio dropped us off and left. I grabbed Alex's hand and started pulling him to the door...

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