Chapter 49

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Carlos left and I decided to go shower. While I was in the shower Alex texted me.

Over text!

A: what are you doing right now?

*When I got out I responded to him.*

L: just got out of the shower
A: well get around.
L: why?
A: because I wanna hangout
L: ok where and when
A: my place or yours?
L: I don't care you tell me when and where and I'll be there
A: I'll be at your place in 10 minuets
L: ok I'll be ready

Alex rung the doorbell and I was still g tying dressed. I was rushing to go get the door, so all I had on was pajama pants and a sports bra.

A: wow.
Leila: stop it I was rushing around so you didn't have to wait in the cold.
A: it's ok. I like it. *winks*
Leila: on another topic.. I got a dress for homecoming, do you want to see it?
A: duh I want to see it.

Alex and I were voted homecoming representatives for the sophomore class. We had to walkout on the football field during halftime and ride in a convertible during the parade. I had to have two dresses. One for repping and one for the dance. I bought a light pink tulle one for the dance but I still had to find one for repping. Alex and I were going to go to the mall tomorrow after school to see if I could find anything that I liked. We walked upstairs and I showed Alex the dress I got when I was shopping with Adriana. (Pic on chapter 42 I believe)

A: so I have to find a light pink tie tomorrow so we match.
Leila: if you want to match, I mean you don't have to if you don't wanna.
A: of course I want to.

We were already in my room, so he drags me over to my bed and we lay together.

Leila: I'm going to go grab my phone. I have to ask my mom something.
A: you don't see her much do you?
Leila: well she works noon to midnight so we can stay up with everything. And my dad. I never see him during the week. Only weekends.
A: that must be hard.
Leila: yeah for the most part. It taught me a lot though.

I walked downstairs and grabbed my phone.

*one unread message*

Delivery Guy🌮
C: are you going to the fb game this weekend.
L: yeah I have to. I'm a homecoming representative.
C: so I'll see you there?
L: yep😊

*yelling downstairs*
A: what's taking so long leils?
Leila: I laid on the couch and I don't want to get up.
A: but baby come back and lay with me.
Leila: fine

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