Chapter 47

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All my classes today were boring. I went to Alex's locker when the last ball of the day rung. He took my hand and we walked out the school right on to the bus, while Carlos followed the whole way behind us. I sat with Alex and Carlos sat two seats behind us, because Gio was in the seat directly behind ours. I got up when if was my stop and Carlos got off with me. I unlocked my front door and we walked to the kitchen. I signaled for him to sit at the table and I sat down across from him.

C: so history homework... I'm really behind.
Leila: Have you talked to Mr. Latuda about it?
C: never had time

He said that shrugging it off like if didn't matter to him. Something has been up with him, he's always been super worried about his grades and how he's doing in school. It's important to him, or it at least used to be.

Leila: Carlos come on.
C: what?
Leila: stop playing with me. What's going on with you?
C: what do you mean Leila? Nothing is wrong with me, for the most part.
Leila: your acting different. School used to be the most important thing to you. What happened? Talk to me.
C: well you came along Leila, but with Alex. I got to know you and I fell in love with you Leila. And as happy for my man Alex that he has someone as great as you, it kind of hurts me. Like a lot.
Leila: I knew you'd say something like that.
C: oh yeah?

I showed Carlos fb note from Gio.

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