Chapter 23

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I helped Joey get up and I took him to the bathroom to get cleaned up. I made Alex sit on the couch.

*arrived in bathroom*

Leila: Joey you don't look so hot.
Joey: I always look hot.
Leila: seriously Joey you need cleaned up before these cuts get infected.
Joey: seriously Leila I'm ok * starts to get up*
Leila: *pushes Joey back down*
Joey: ouch. Leila that hurt.
Leila: oh my god Joey I'm so sorry.
Joey: you can make it up to me.
Leila: how?

Joey leaned in signaling for me to kiss him. Of course I didn't kiss him even though it would have been nice. Eventually we got everything cleaned up and we went downstairs. We found Alex downstairs on my phone. It doesn't bother me if he's on it. I have nothing to hide from him. I go and sit down next to him on the sectional. He handed me my phone.

Alex: Joey I'm sorry. I overreacted
Joey: it was my fault you punched me
Alex: the first time. The other one or five were my fault.
Joey: hey I'm ok now. It's ok man.
Alex: Leila... I'm... I'm sorry
Leila: i know you are but I think that you both should leave.

After they left I called gio. It's the only thing I could do. The girls and I have drifted apart lately so I really only have him to talk to.

*outgoing call*
Gio: hello
Leila: *depressed* hey
Gio: order pizza I'll be there in 10 minuets

Gio understands me so well. I know that I can always talk to him no matter what.

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