tell them how you feel

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"Dean?" Sasha called throughout the cold and concreted walls of the arena they were at for Raw. The two had been in a friends with benefits relationship for six months, but Sasha had grown romantic feelings for Dean. Anytime she tried to tell him, he walked away from her and she was getting pissed.

"Dean! I need to talk to you!" She yelled once she found him, beginning to jog towards him.

"Sasha, go! I don't wanna talk right now!" He loudly spoke, clearly irritated.

"Dean, please. I really need to talk to you." She begged.

"No you don't. Just go. I have work to do. I'm not dealing with your 'emergency.'" He groaned as she gave him a very upset and angered look.

"You know what? Fine. I can't force you into a situation so why do I keep trying?" She angrily questioned before walking away.

"Why did I get myself into this mess?" He quietly asked himself before heading out to the crowd since he and Roman were teaming to go against The Revival. After he and Roman won, his thoughts trailed back to the small violet headed girl with tan skin. He felt terrible for what he had said, but he knew she had left and he wouldn't see her for another week. He showered and cleaned himself off before hanging out with Roman and Seth for the rest of the show. As they were hanging out, they saw Hunter approaching them.

"What's up Hunter?" The three men casually asked their boss.

"I just got some bad news about Sasha. Not too much longer after she left she was driving on the highway to get back to her hotel room and got into a bad car wreck. She is alive and breathing, but she's in a coma. They have her at the hospital now—"

"Hunter tell me what hospital she's at. I gotta go." Dean interrupted him after they received the horrible news.

"What happened?" He asked after he told Dean the hospital she was at.

"Just a situation but I gotta go." Dean panicked, sprinting to grab his luggage, getting into his rental car and speeding without getting pulled over to the hospital. When he finally arrived, he got the number of her hospital room and quickly sped to get up to her, fearful that she could die. He busted open the door, half relieved to see no one was in there.

"Oh god, fuck. Sasha. This is my fault." He sighed, rushing to her and grabbing ahold of her hand. She almost looked lifeless. Her usual tan skin tone was pale, she had a black eye and a few bruises on her face as well as her arms, she was hooked up to about ten different machines and had an air mask across her face.

"C'mon Sash. You're a fighter. You can fight through this. I'm sorry for shoving you away and telling you to go away Sasha. Just please fight, please." He begged, kissing the top of her hand and tried to blink away the few tears that ended up falling down his face.

Don't Let Go (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose)Where stories live. Discover now