care for you

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"You ready to go baby?" Sasha asked. Two days had passed and it was the day that Dean was getting his surgery for his torn rotator cuff. Even though she knew he'd be fine, she was still nervous for him and prayed everything went good.

"Yeah, just wanna go and get this over with." He sighed as Sasha put little Colton in his car seat and grabbed his diaper bag before the three headed to the hospital. They quickly got Dean on an IV, prepping him for surgery.

"I love you honey, you're gonna comeback better than ever from this. We're not going anywhere and you're gonna be okay." Sasha smiled, kissing Dean before he kissed Colton's cheek since they were about to put Dean to sleep for his surgery.

"I love you too honey." He smiled before Sasha, holding Colton walked out of the room and headed down to the waiting area.

"Shh bub, mama's getting you something to eat." Sasha hushed a fussy Colton before grabbing his Cheerios as he then calmed down.

"I hope daddy's surgery is going okay bub. I know how much he loves wrestling and I want him to get back to what he's doing. And I know you love watching daddy wrestle." Sasha smiled to her baby boy before kissing his cheek.

"Dada, dada." Colton kept saying as he looked at Sasha about forty five minutes later.

"I know bub. I know you want daddy. He should be in recovery soon baby." She calmed him down as he rested his little head on her chest before falling asleep. About another hour later, Sasha was notified that Dean's surgery was over and successful, so she and a sleeping Colton made their way up to his room to see him waking up with his right shoulder and arm all wrapped and bandaged up.

"Hi honey, how are you feeling?" Sasha smiled to Dean, grabbing ahold of his good hand.

"Pretty tired, but alright." He groggily said.

"Get some rest baby. We're here and Colton's passed out. You need some rest though, we'll be here when you wake up." She sweetly smiled to him, kissing his cheek before he fell asleep and Sasha was glad to see him getting some rest.

Don't Let Go (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose)Where stories live. Discover now