protect yourself

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          Emma, Aria, Jackson and Payton were all back in school now after their summer break and Luciana and Colton's wedding. Payton and Jackson were gearing up for wrestling season, as Jackson just finished football season. He had also been working a lot to support Genna and the baby, which the two were excited to be finding out the gender here soon. Payton and Dustin were still together, almost six months at this point and they were still boxing. Emma had still been dating Christian, as they were together for five months now and Emma had been working hard with going full force into her music career. Aria, on the other hand, hadn't been doing too hot. She had really been getting involved with the wrong crowds, full of partiers and druggies which she had been doing them herself. She wasn't really caring about anything except for fitting in with a crowd, but things were gonna be taking a turn for a bit worse for her, but more so Emma, Jackson and Payton since this was going to affect them even more.

"Hey! Hey Payton! Can you be like your sister and send us some nudes?" Some stuck up football players had asked Payton for the third day that day and she felt like she was going to implode. The previous weekend at a party, Aria had gone skinny dipping with a few different guys and had explicit photos taken of her, as they had been airdropped around the whole entire school. The kids had been targeting Payton more since Emma was a senior and no one targeted them but Payton felt like she was going to snap. To her luck, the bell rang as she practically ran to Emma's car to wait for her older sister and twin brother.

"Pay? What's wrong?" Jackson asked as he met up with his twin, Emma following just a few seconds later.

"Fucking Aria!" She yelled before slamming the car door shut.

"What do you mean—"

"Aria was at a party last weekend, did some gross shit with some guys and now her nudes are all over school." Emma stopped her little brother.

"Why would she do that?" Jackson asked.

"I dunno Jack, I'm gonna tell mom and dad about it." Emma sighed as she began driving, getting home soon. Once they got inside, Jackson and Payton headed up to their rooms while Emma told Sasha about her younger sister since Dean was at the wrestling school. Sasha was invigorated with anger, she swore her blood boiled over. Jackson and Payton had came back downstairs so Emma could help them with some homework as they heard Aria coming in.

"Hey Aria, what have you been up to?" Sasha casually asked since she and Dean were going to talk to her about what's been going on, now that he was home.

"Nothing much." She shrugged, grabbing a bottle of water, not getting the hints her mom was dropping.

"Really? Have you really been up to nothing?" Dean questioned, throwing air quotas around the last word that came out of his mouth.

"Yeah. Why?" She asked.

"Then is this your definition of 'nothing?'" Sasha angrily asked, showing her daughter the naked photos of her own body.

"It's my body. Your point is?" Aria rolled her eyes at her mom, about to leave the room before Sasha grabbed her daughter's arm.

"You're not leaving this room until we're done talking to you." Sasha lowly sneered, a sight not even Dean as seen out of his partner.

"Why do you care so much?! I'm sixteen you can't tell me what to do!" Aria yelled as that snapped Sasha into an anger rage.

"I don't give a damn how old you are! As long as you live under this roof I will tell you what the hell to do! You will not disrespect me like this!" Sasha yelled as she and Aria were in each other's faces.

"Hey! That's mine!" Aria yelled at Dean as he took her phone out of the back pocket in her jeans.

"The hell it is. Your mom and I pay for you to have this for necessary things or emergencies. Not for you to send a picture of your boobs to get a guy's dick turned on." Dean said lowly, turning off Aria's phone.

"You need to get your act together right now Aria! Your dad and I did not raise you to be sleeping around with multiple guys and doing ex amount of drugs in a night! You are ruining your future at a young age!" Sasha exclaimed, extremely disappointed in her daughter.

"I don't care! You can't tell me what to do! You don't control me! You don't do this to Emma and Payton!" Aria yelled, wanting to hit her mom although she knew better than to do that.

"First off, I'm not your friend I'm your mother! I'm gonna tell you what to do because I know what's best for you! What if you ended up pregnant Aria?! What the hell will you do then? And secondly, I don't have to do this to Emma or Payton because they don't do a damn thing wrong! Emma goes to school, focuses on her grades and her music. Payton goes to school, goes to wrestling or boxing and focuses on her grades! You should start doing the same thing too and maybe, just maybe I wouldn't have to be yelling at my daughter!" Sasha snapped.

"Aria, just listen to mom." Payton sighed, getting ready to put her school bag upstairs.

"Shut the hell up." Aria rolled her eyes as that snapped something in Payton.

"Excuse me?" Payton said, raising an eyebrow to her older sister.

"I said shut the hell up Payton! I don't care what you have to say!" Aria yelled, taking a step  closer to Payton.

"Take one more step near me and I will break your face! You're doing all this shit and getting way scotch free while I have to deal with your fucking actions and consequences! I'm the one getting asked for nudes by fifteen guys a damn day while you go smoke or snort whatever the fuck you want! I'm so sick of you Aria! You're not my fucking sister!" Payton yelled.

"I'm glad you don't look at me as your sister!" Aria yelled before Payton punched her in the face, Jackson then restraining her before she did anymore damage.

"Go fuck yourself Aria! I hate you! I hate you!" Payton kept yelling while Jackson took her outside since she needed to go to boxing anyways. Emma then quietly walked outside, her and Jackson calming Payton down while Sasha and Dean dealt with Aria.

"Get your shit straightened out, Aria. Until you get your shit together, you're grounded. No phone, no tv, no nothing. You will only go to school and come home. Do you understand?" Dean said in a pissed tone before Aria rolled her eyes, stomping away.

"God I swear I don't know what got into her. We didn't raise her to act like this." Sasha sighed after hearing Aria slam her bedroom door shut.

"She's just gotta figure it out on her own babe. We can't fix her for her. She's gotta learn." Dean sighed, scratching the back of his head.

Don't Let Go (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose)Where stories live. Discover now