help her

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"You ready to go home?" Dean asked, three days later. Sasha was finally getting discharged from the hospital and she was more than glad to be going home. She and the baby were both doing great, which they were thankful for.

"Oh yeah. My bed sounds so amazing right now. I've been in this hospital bed way too long and it's not that comfortable and there's not much room." She softly smiled to him.

"Yeah I know that feeling. Here in less than an hour you'll be able to relax in your bed, actually getting some rest." He sympathetically smiled to her, rubbing his thumb over her hand.

"Yep. If only they can get my freakin' discharge papers so I can get out of here that'd be great." She laughed. The nurse came in with her discharge papers about fifteen minutes later, Sasha sighing of relief to be able to go home after being in the hospital for two weeks.

"Here, lemme help you." Dean smiled, helping her out of the hospital bed and holding her hand as they made their way out of the hospital and into his car, Dean being careful and fragile with her since she was still recovering from the crash. Her black eye was almost fully healed, but her bruises were still vibrant and visible.

"Home sweet home." She grinned once they walked through the door of her apartment, Sasha inhaling the scent of vanilla and roses, which was usually the scent of her apartment. She was so relieved to be home.

"Someone's happy to be here." Dean chuckled before carefully helping her on the couch.

"I'm very happy. Thank you for staying." She softly smiled to him.

"No problem. The least I could do. Are you hungry? Do you want me to make you something?" He offered.

"Please. I need something other than the hospital food I've had since I woke up." She groaned with a laugh.

"Yeah hospital food isn't the best. And I'll cook it real quick." He agreed, heading into her kitchen to grab some chicken before throwing it in the oven and getting some vegetables and putting those in a couple of her pots, also grabbing her some water and continuously checking on her.

"Alright. I'm not the greatest chef but I tried." He chuckled, grabbing a small table and setting her food on it before she quickly devoured it.

"It's not bad. It beats hospital food. I think baby agrees too." She giggled as she felt much better after eating.

"Baby better agree. Baby's stuck with my cooking for the next eighteen years." He chuckled, taking her plate and placing it in the sink.

"Feel better?" He asked, walking back into her living room.

"Mmhmm. I think I wanna go lay down and try to sleep. I'm exhausted." She yawned as he helped her up and into her room as she carefully laid down on her bed.

"You can lay down in here if you want too. My bed's big enough for the both of us and I'd feel bad if you slept on the couch." She smiled, moving over a little as he carefully slid in next to her on her queen sized bed.

"Comfy?" He smiled as she laid her head down on his abdomen, inhaling the strawberry scent of her purple faded hair, her natural dark brown roots coming in.

"Mhmm." She nodded her head before peacefully falling asleep while Dean ran his fingers through her hair, praying nothing bad changed between the two.

Don't Let Go (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose)Where stories live. Discover now