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"Hey princess, you ready to go?" Dean asked Payton about seven weeks later. She was now twenty one weeks along with the baby and it was her appointment to find out the gender. Sasha, Dean, Jackson and Dustin's father, Ryan, would be going with her as she felt relieved to have the support there with her. She was excited to find out the gender of the baby, as deep down she was hoping for a little boy to carry on Dustin's last name but she would be fine with a little girl too.

"Sure am." She smiled before heading downstairs to meet with Sasha and Jackson before the four headed to the doctors and Ryan would be meeting them there. As they made their way to the doctors, Payton felt herself growing a bit nervous to find out the gender and to see the baby, which she got nervous each time but this time felt a little different. She kept taking deep breaths as Jackson noticed the nervousness in his twin.

"It's okay sis. Everything's going to be good." Jackson whispered before hugging his twin sister. She nodded her head, appreciating the gesture from her brother. Sasha barely glanced back to see her youngest kids hugging and Jackson calming Payton down as she smiled to herself before they finally arrived to the doctors office. Ryan greeted Payton, Jackson, Sasha and Dean before Sasha checked Payton in. They didn't wait long before they called Payton's name, taking them back to the room. She held onto Sasha's hand once the ultrasound started since her anxiety increased but she kept taking deep breaths to calm down.

"Alright, it looks like your baby is a little boy. Congratulations." Payton's doctor smiled to her then to the rest of the family before showing her the baby on the screen with the male genitalia.

"Oh my god. I'm having a baby boy. Dustin's getting his own mini." Payton beamed through her tears as she was so excited and happy that she was having a baby boy.

"He is. And I'm sure he's looking down right now and is so ecstatic about you having his son sweetheart." Ryan smiled to Payton as she gave a smile back, knowing what he said was true.


While Payton was trying to keep herself calm since she was carrying her and Dustin's son, Aria was trying to figure out her own career as the last couple weeks have been interesting for her to say the least. She was close to graduation so she was getting more into exploring different modeling companies. Recently, she had been asked to do some interviews and some photo shoots for a top company, before meeting a tall blonde man with iced blue eyes named Alexander Wilson. He had to do a quick interview with her just for her background before things got heated between them and they had sex in his office. Aria was attracted to him but she also felt a bit ashamed of herself since she didn't want that type of viewing from the industry, so she was headed over to Alexander's house to talk to him about it. She took a few deep breaths, calming herself down before she walked up to his door and knocking on it before seeing the familiar face answering the door and letting her in.

"Hi." She quietly said before they sat on their couch.

"You're quiet today." He said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, well I'm not exactly proud of what we did the other day. I don't want the business viewing me as a slut and that's basically how I've kicked off my career." She said, giving him a serous look.

"Well it wasn't a mistake, it was fate. Things happen for a reason. And maybe the reason why we did what we did is because we're supposed to be together, after we know each other more mentally and emotionally of course. I'd love to take you out on a date and treat you the way you deserve if you'd let me." He offered as Aria was a bit taken back, but then also wanted to take him up for his offer.

"You got it. Name the time and place." She made clear.

"Right now. In my bed, then I'll take you out to dinner." He winked before the two had sex again. Aria didn't care because she was so attracted to this man, but she didn't want what they've been doing all over the internet. She just hoped nothing awful came out of this.

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