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"Alright, let's go home now that we can actually get the hell outta here." Dean chuckled two days later. Now that Sasha was discharged from the hospital, they were finally going to go home and going to take on their next greatest challenge which was parenthood.

"Thank god. I can't wait to go lay down in our bed and eat food from our fridge and not this hospital stuff." She groaned, pressing her glasses to her face.

"God I know how that feels. Lemme help you up then we can head home. Hopefully Colton sleeps as good as he is right now." He smiled, looking at their son who was soundly asleep in his car seat.

"It won't last long." She giggled before he carefully helped her up, Sasha groaning from the pain and soreness she had from giving birth just forty eight hours ago. Dean then carefully helped her in the wheelchair before grabbing a sleeping Colton and heading out to their car.

"He's so cute when he's sleeping." Sasha cheesily grinned seeing Colton asleep before Dean started up the car.

"He is. Hopefully he'll stay like that for another hour or two so we can get some rest." He chuckled, kissing her hand before beginning the short drive to their apartment. Once they got there, they quickly settled in, placing Colton in his bassinet which was next to Sasha's side of the bed before the two fell asleep themselves, exhausted from all that's happened in the last two days. About an hour and a half later, Colton began crying so Dean quickly woke up, picking up Colton from his bassinet and tried to calm him down before Sasha woke up.

"Shhh bubba, shhh. Daddy's here but we can't wake mama up. She needs her rest after bringing you in the world. We don't wanna wake mama up bub." He tried to soothe Colton, then checking to see he needed to change his diaper, quickly doing that and changing the little baby into a more warm onesie then heading downstairs to make a bottle for him just incase he needed it. Once Colton was asleep in Dean's arms, he went to go put the bottle in the sink before he was startled to see Sasha awake.

"Honey what are you doin' awake? You need to get some rest." He whispered.

"Just wanted to make sure my boys were okay. Good job dad." She grinned, kissing his cheek before the three of them went back upstairs and going back to sleep.

Don't Let Go (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose)Where stories live. Discover now