the main event

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"I'm so excited to see you wrestle tonight baby." Sasha smiled to Dean. It was WrestleMania, and Sasha had brought seven month old Colton to see Dean wrestle since he was main eventing the show with Seth for the Universal Championship.

"I'm excited for you two to be here honey. Hopefully he's awake to at least see some of it but knowing him he'll be out as soon as the show starts." Dean chuckled, lifting his son up and kissing Colton's cheek.

"Maybe he'll be a little awake to see his daddy win." Sasha shrugged with a smile before kissing him. They finished getting ready before heading to the stadium for the show, Dean heading off into the locker room as Sasha met up with Charlotte, Bayley and Becky.

"I'm so excited to watch your match tonight. You're gonna tear the house down." Sasha grinned to her friends. Charlotte, Becky and Bayley were in a triple threat no disqualification match for the Raw Women's Championship.

"Thanks sister. You excited for Dean's match? I thought I heard he's winning." Charlotte asked.

"Yeah I'm very excited for him and he is winning the title tonight. I'm so excited for him since he's worked so hard for this." Sasha beamed.

"Aww that's great! I'm excited for him too even though he's going against my fiancé." Bayley giggled, talking about Seth.

"Sorry." Sasha laughed before she caught up with the rest of her friends, a little surprised that Colton had fallen asleep for about two hours before Dean came up to them since his match was quickly approaching.

"Hey bub. It's okay daddy's got ya." Dean hushed little Colton when he took him from Sasha's arms.

"You ready for your match?" Sasha smiled as they linked hands and began walking to gorilla.

"Yeah I'm freakin' excited for it. A little nervous but more pumped than anything." He smiled.

"Good. I want you to have fun out there and enjoy the moment baby. We'll be here cheering you on." She beamed to Dean before softly kissing him and taking Colton back since Dean was about to make his entrance. Sasha felt a bit nervous watching Dean since she didn't want anything bad to happen.

"Daddy's champ baby." Sasha whispered to Colton as she tried to hide her tears, looking up at the screen which was showing Dean holding up the Universal Title. Colton smiled, babbling at the screen as Sasha giggled before kissing his cheek, anxiously waiting for her boyfriend to come back through the curtain.

"I'm so proud of you honey. You did amazing and you deserve this so so much." Sasha softly spoke once Dean came backstage and immediately hugged Sasha and Colton.

"Thank you. I love you and I'm so glad the two of you were here." He grinned before kissing her.

"Nowhere else we'd rather be." She beamed.

Don't Let Go (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose)Where stories live. Discover now