bonus babies

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Six Months Later

"Babe! Come here!" Sasha excitedly squealed. Six months had passed, and not too much has changed. Colton started first grade and Emma started kindergarten, and Aria was going on two. Also, Dean was going to be competing and found out he'd be winning the Royal Rumble to main event WrestleMania which was coming up quick. But now that Aria was almost two, Dean and Sasha began trying for another baby since they wanted one more to complete the family. Sasha was now two weeks late for her period, so she had just taken four tests and couldn't wait to share the results with Dean.

"Are you done?" He asked, barely opening up their bathroom door. She nodded her head before showing him the four positive pregnancy tests.

"We're having another baby. One last one." He smiled as he lifted Sasha off the ground, peppering her with kisses.

"We are. I'm so excited! It was fun, getting pregnant on purpose." She giggled as he chuckled, kissing her again.

"That it was babygirl. Do you wanna wait a little bit to tell the kids?" He asked, kissing her forehead.

"Probably. I wanna go get an ultrasound done first before we tell the babies. I know Colton will be excited. He gets so excited about a new baby." She smiled up into Dean's blue eyes.

"Oh yeah. He'll be ecstatic. And whenever you wanna tell the kids about the new baby is okay with me beautiful." He smiled, kissing her forehead again.


Two days later, Sasha made an appointment for her and Dean to check on the baby to make sure both the baby and she were alright. They were also excited since after the ultrasound was when they wanted to tell the kids about the new addition to the family.

"I can't wait to see our baby. This feeling will never get old." Sasha beamed, hugging Dean's arm.

"I can't wait either beautiful, and the feeling will never get old in existence." He smiled, kissing her before the two headed into the doctors office. Sasha checked herself in before she and Dean quickly went back to the room, getting the process started of the ultrasound. They both grinned from ear to ear once they heard the baby's heartbeat.

"Everything looks great with baby A." Sasha's doctor smiled to the two as they both grew confused.

"Baby A?" Sasha asked her doctor.

"Yep, and everything looks great with baby B. You two are having fraternal twins." Her doctor smiled to the two, also adding in that Sasha was ten weeks along and her due date was June Thirtieth.

"Oh my god, we're having twins?" Sasha was still baffled since she and Dean only wanted one more baby.

"This is great." He said as he was laughing hard.

"Dean seriously, we only wanted one more baby and now we're gonna have two." She said with a few laughs as well.

"Babygirl that isn't bad, it just means that we were supposed to have more than what we thought. I'm excited about this. Yeah it's gonna be harder, but they'll both be worth it." He reassured her, kissing her softly.

"Okay honey. You're so lucky I love you." She giggled.

"And what would happen if you didn't?" He asked with a smile.

"Then your super sperm wouldn't have put two babies in me." She laughed as the two got into the car and headed home.

Don't Let Go (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose)Where stories live. Discover now