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        Six weeks after their wedding, Genna went into labor with her and Jackson's twin girls, whom they decided to name Mia Joy and Mackenzie Rae Good. The two were very excited to meet their baby girls, as Isabella and Conner were excited to meet their little sisters as well.

"Jesus, this hurts so bad." Genna whimpered, now that she had been in labor for almost twelve hours with Mia and Mackenzie.

"Almost there beautiful, you're doing great." He tried to comfort her, even though she was only six centimeters dilated.

"I just want them out." She groaned, taking a deep breath since she felt another strong contraction coming on.

"I know babydoll, they'll be here soon, promise." He whispered, holding onto her hand before softly kissing her cheek.

As the day continued, Genna's contractions got a lot more stronger and more painful, as she began getting stressed out since she had been in labor for eighteen hours. As she began getting stressed, the stress was put on the twins.

"Oh, dear god." Genna cried, having a tight hold on Jackson's hand before the doctors saw the machines go crazy.

"What's going on?" Jackson asked, holding his wife's hand but he saw the doctors and nurses have a concerned and worried look on their faces.

"We have to take your wife in for an emergency c-section. With her being stressed, it's causing both babies' heart rates to rise a little. So, just to be safe and to make sure all three are safe we're going to go ahead and take her in for a c-section." Her doctor informed the two before they began getting ready for the c-section.

"Jackson I can't do this, I can't do this I'm so scared." Genna whimpered as she began crying hard.

"No baby you got this, alright? Our babies will be out in no time, I'm right here babydoll I'm not going anywhere. I promise." He reassured her as he got emotional himself. Jackson kept comforting her while they got her ready for the procedure, then making their way into the operating room.

"You're doing great, babydoll." Jackson smiled as the procedure began. He kissed her forehead, trying to keep her calm before they heard the loud cries of one of their twins, then five minutes later, the cries of their other twin. The two got even more emotional, knowing that their babies were with them.

"They're so beautiful." Genna tiredly smiled once they were back in her hospital room, with both Mia and Mackenzie laid on her chest.

"They're stunning. Mia's your twin and Mackenzie looks like me." Jackson chuckled. Both Mia and Mackenzie had Genna's platinum blonde hair, but Mia had Genna's hazel-brown eyes and Mackenzie had Jackson's blue eyes. The rest of their features they both got from their mom.

"Definitely. I love you, and our babies." Genna weakly smiled.

"I love you and our babies too, beautiful. I'll take the girls and let you get some rest." He whispered since she was falling asleep, then taking both Mia and Mackenzie and spending time with his newborn daughters.

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