all the babes

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"Christian! Baby come here!" Emma excitedly squealed for her husband, just one week later. Ever since they got married a few months ago, Emma took a break from singing so she and Christian could try for a baby. Now, she had a pregnancy test in her hand and was ecstatic to show her husband the results.

"I'm right here babydoll, what's it say?" He asked, walking to his wife as she had the biggest grin on her face and a few tears in her eyes.

"I'm pregnant! We're having a baby!" She grinned and cheered, showing her husband the positive pregnancy test before he gasped. He then lifted her up and swung her around a little before setting her back down and peppering her with kisses.

"Oh my god baby this is fantastic! We're having our own family! God I can't wait to be a dad and for you to be the mother of my baby. I'm so happy, my love." He grinned, looking down into her chocolate brown eyes as she began crying a bit with happiness. She's always wanted to be a mom, which now she would become one with her husband, who was the love of her life.


Meanwhile Emma and Christian dealt with their exciting baby news, Payton was struggling a bit with her own. After she brought baby Dustin home once he was two days old, she's been trying to learn the whole parenting thing on her own. Of course Sasha, Dean, Jackson and Genna had been helping her whenever they could, but Payton didn't want to rely on them all the time. She wanted to parent Dustin herself and learn this on her own.

"Shh bubba, mama's here baby. C'mon calm down for me please." Payton whispered to a crying and fussy one week old Dustin. She was trying to latch him on to begin nursing him since she knew he'd be hungry, but he was being uncooperative with her which frustrated her. She held in her tears, trying her best to calm down her son before she heard her mom walk into her bedroom.

"Sweetheart what's wrong?" Sasha asked, rushing over to her daughter as she could tell Payton was about to cry.

"Dustin's not calming down or anything. I've been trying to calm him down so I can feed him but he just keeps crying." She said with a staggered breath before handing her son to her mom. Sasha then began humming to the newborn baby as it calmed him down, along with soothingly rubbing his back. It took her a little bit to fully calm the baby down but it was a relief for Payton once the baby wasn't fussy anymore.

"Here you go. All ready for a feed. But once you're done feeding him, I'm gonna watch him for the rest of the night. You need rest sweetheart. It looks like you haven't slept for three days and you need to take care of yourself before taking care of your baby." Sasha said, a bit concerned for her daughter.

"I haven't slept for three days mom." She said with a small laugh.

"Get some rest then sweetheart. Your dad and I have Dustin." Sasha made clear as Payton nodded her head, handing baby Dustin to her mom before Sasha took the baby into her and Dean's room while Payton got some rest. She just hoped this parenting thing got better for her since she was practically alone without the support of her child's father.

Don't Let Go (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose)Where stories live. Discover now