family of three

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"Hi baby, how are you feeling?" Dean asked early Tuesday morning on September Third. Sasha was thirty nine weeks pregnant, and Dean was finally home from the road for about six weeks for Colton's birth.

"I'm uncomfortable and tired." She yawned, checking to see it was a little after six in the morning. Dean had caught a red eye overnight to make it to Boston to finally be home.

"I know honey, he'll be here any day. Get some rest I just wanted to make sure you're okay." He sympathetically smiled to her, kissing her cheek as she dozed off into a soft sleep, Dean climbing in bed next to her and falling asleep himself. About three and a half hours later, Sasha woke up with some sharp pains wrapping around her lower back and stomach which startled her and Dean since he heard her quiet whimpers and her moving.

"Babygirl what's wrong?" Dean asked once he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"I think I'm having contractions." She whimpered as the two looked at each other nervously. The reality of becoming a father and having his son really hit Dean but he had to quickly hide it so he could be strong for Sasha.

"Did they just start or how far apart are they?" He asked, carefully holding her hand.

"I think seven minutes. But the pain never eases so I feel like they're constant." She groaned.

"Okay honey, I'll grab Colton's bag and I'll take you to the hospital." He softly spoke as she nodded her head. He quickly walked into Colton's nursery, grabbing the grey and baby blue colored diaper bag before heading back into his and Sasha's room to see her in mid contraction.

"God it hurts so bad." She cried which hurt Dean's heart to see her in so much pain.

"I know baby I know. He'll be here soon and he's worth it. I'm right here okay?" He reassured her, Sasha nodding her head. Dean then carried her out to the car since she could barely stand before taking her to the hospital. He called her doctor as well as Bayley and Seth along with Roman and Charlotte so they could make their way to the hospital to meet Colton within the next day or so. Once they arrived to the hospital, they got Sasha settled into a room as Dean watched all the doctors and nurses hook her up to what felt like fifty different machines. They then checked her dilation which she was already at four centimeters.

"Oh god." She groaned as she squeezed Dean's hand through another contraction two hours later.

"Breathe honey, you're doing great." He sympathized, trying to encourage her as much as he could.

"I wish I wouldn't be at four centimeters. I want my dilation to go up so Colton can be here." She whined, scrunching her face from the pain.

"He'll be here soon baby, just gotta keep pushing through it like you are. And you're doing amazing honey." He smiled, kissing her cheek. Three hours passed, putting Sasha at five hours in labor and seven centimeters dilated which both she and Dean were relieved she was continuing to go up. Bayley, Seth, Roman and Charlotte had already arrived in Boston the previous hour as they were in the waiting room, wanting to give Sasha and Dean the privacy they needed.

"I'm glad you're here." Sasha tiredly smiled to him now that she had been in labor for six hours.

"Me too. Wouldn't wanna miss our little boy's birth for the world." He crookedly smiled, kissing her hand.

"Yeah. And I'm also glad you weren't on the road because then I'd really be alone since the girls would be on the road as well." She said with a laugh.

"Yeah, true. I can't wait for him to be here soon. I know you're gonna be the best mom ever to little Colton." Dean smiled.

"You're gonna be the best dad to him too. You keep saying how I'm gonna be a great mom but I don't want you to doubt your abilities for being a father babe. You're gonna be amazing. We're gonna be an amazing team to parent this little nugget." She giggled, reassuring him.

"Thank you honey and yes we are. But, now we gotta wait for our little guy to be here." He lightly chuckled, kissing her cheek a few times. Then, two hours later totaling Sasha's labor to eight hours, she got to ten centimeters dilated as she and Dean were relieved that she had made it all the way and could now begin to push out Colton.

"You got this honey, you're both gonna be okay and healthy." He comforted her as she got into the pushing position, squeezing Dean's hand. After pushing for forty five minutes, Colton's loud cries filled the room. Sasha bursted into tears and was shocked to see Dean crying himself.

"I love you, you're the strongest girl I know." He smiled although he was choked up.

"I love you too." She whispered, letting her eyes gaze upon his. Just a short few minutes later, one of the nurses brought in baby Colton all wrapped up, placing him in Sasha's arms.

"Oh my gosh. He's so beautiful." She whispered as she admired his features. He definitely looked like Dean although he had Sasha's skin, hair and eye color. He had Dean's facial structure, nose, mouth, everything.

"He's the most beautiful baby ever." Dean gleamed looking at his newborn son before Sasha let him hold his son.

"Hey little guy. It's okay daddy's here." He soothed his son as he got just a little fussy from switching over from Sasha to Dean.

"You look so cute holding him." Sasha beamed to her boyfriend before taking a picture of her boys.

"He's definitely gonna be a little me, but in the good ways." He grinned before letting Sasha hold Colton again so he could get their friends and bring them back to meet Colton.

"Well, what's the news?" Roman chuckled looking to his friend.

"The news is that I'm a dad now." Dean grinned as everyone gasped and grinned with excitement, Bayley and Charlotte getting up to hug Dean as he chuckled to see how excited they were.

"Congratulations!" They cheered.

"Thank you. Lemme go ahead and take you guys back to the room. I think Sasha's just holding him right now or she may be trying to feed him." He informed them before taking them back to the room to see Sasha holding Colton after changing him into a onesie.

"Hi guys." Sasha softly smiled to her friends while Dean sat back in the chair next to her bed.

"Hey mama bear." Bayley and Charlotte smiled to her before they all sat down. Sasha then passed little Colton to Bayley since she said she'd hold him first.

"Oh my gosh he's so cute! I want one." Bayley grinned then eyeing her husband.

"Uh oh Seth. You're in trouble." Sasha lightly giggled looking at her friends.

"We'll have kids. Just not tomorrow." He chuckled before Bayley passed Colton to Seth, then Charlotte and Roman held him before passing him back to Dean and they had to leave to head back home. Before they all left, Roman and Seth pulled Dean aside quickly as he was a little confused.

"We just wanted to congratulate you bro. We're so proud of you for becoming a dad and being amazing to your son and girlfriend. You're gonna be a great dad and have nothing to worry about." Roman smiled as Seth agreed before the three hugged.

"Thanks guys. And thanks for coming." He smiled to his friends.

"No prob. But go get back to your girl and your son. I'm sure they both want you right now." Seth chuckled as Dean nodded his head before heading back to the room to see Sasha trying to feed Colton.

"I love you both so much." Dean whispered, kissing the top of Sasha's head, not wanting to disturb her from feeding their son.

"We love you too." She smiled.

Don't Let Go (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose)Where stories live. Discover now