get together

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"Sasha? Honey you need to wake up. It's almost eleven in the morning." Dean softly smiled, carefully tapping Sasha on the shoulder to wake her up. She was thirty five weeks with their son, who they decided to name Colton Matthew Good. The closer she got to her due date the more excited and nervous they got. But, this Friday afternoon the girls were throwing Sasha a baby shower for Colton while the guys got his nursery together.

"But I'm too tired." She groaned with a small laugh, rubbing her eyes and grabbing her black square glasses, pressing those against her face.

"I know baby but the girls are already setting everything up and the guys are on their way." He chuckled, helping her out of bed.

"I don't think that Seth and Roman are gonna give a shit seeing me in your shirt and some baggy shorts." She giggled as the two walked into the kitchen and dining area of her apartment, Dean beginning to make her breakfast.

"They won't, I just don't feel like having the girls blow up my phone to see where you are." He chuckled, placing her breakfast on the table before grabbing her some water.

"They blow up your phone more than mine." She laughed before placing her dish in the sink and walking upstairs to get ready for the baby shower. She put her hair in a fishtail braid, doing a simple makeup look before pulling out a sky blue maxi dress since it was late summer before brushing her teeth and turning out the bathroom light.

"You look beautiful sweetheart." Dean smiled once she walked back out to the living room to see Dean getting all of the nursery decorations out of all the plastic bags.

"I hate that I have to dress up. This dress is making me more uncomfortable than what I am." She said with a slight laugh.

"I know baby. But after today all we gotta do is wait for Colton to be here. He's worth it." He sympathetically smiled, softly rubbing her bump and placing a kiss on her cheek.

"Yes he's definitely worth it. I gotta get going though, Charlotte's been blowing up my phone since I started getting ready. Have fun with the boys." She giggled, kissing him softly.

"I will. I love you."

"I love you too." She grinned before heading out to her car and driving to the venue where the girls had the baby shower at.

"There's mama to be!" Charlotte, Bayley and Becky cheered as they walked over to hug their friend. Sasha was astonished at how they decorated the room. It was all blue with animal decorations, the cake with Colton's name on it and all the girls from Raw and Smackdown were there to celebrate.

"Hey guys! This looks so cute you really didn't have to do this." She grinned to her friends.

"Well we wanted to so enjoy it." Charlotte said as they all laughed.

"Look how big you're getting! I can't wait for him to be born soon." Becky grinned as she placed her hand on Sasha's bump.

"Tell me about it," She began as the two laughed.

"But seriously Dean and I are very excited to meet our sweet boy. I just hope he comes soon. I have a feeling he's gonna be a big baby but he'll be worth it." She beamed before going and sitting down with her friends. Meanwhile back at Dean and Sasha's apartment, he, Seth and Roman were finishing up building the crib before they'd head over to the baby shower.

"Never in a million years did I think I'd be helping you build a crib." Seth chuckled.

"Trust me, I didn't think so either." Dean laughed himself.

"How are you feelin' now that her due date is gettin' closer?" Roman asked.

"I'm getting pretty excited. A little nervous since this is my first kid but I know that Sasha's gonna be an amazing mom to little Colton and that I'm gonna try my best to be a good dad to him. Better than my dad was." He admitted.

"You're gonna be a good dad to him bro. It's definitely nerve wracking at first, but once he's here you'll forget all your worries and you'll feel this indescribable love for him. It's incredible." Roman smiled as he remembered when his daughter, JoJo was born.

"Thanks Rome. Well, looks like everything's done in here." He smiled, looking around to see Colton's room done.

"Yep. You ready to head to the baby shower?" Seth asked as the three stood up from the beige carpeted floor.

"Yeah, just gimme a sec I gotta find something real quick." He quickly threw words out of his mouth before Seth and Roman nodded their heads, walking into the living room. He wasn't actually looking for something, he just wanted to take a moment to look around and let the reality sink in a bit of his first child and son being born within the matter of a couple weeks.

"Can't wait to hold you and teach you some valuable things little man. You're going to have the best mama ever and I'm gonna try my damn hardest to be a good dad to you Colton. Hope when you're born you see that bub." He quietly spoke, holding onto the railing of the crib before meeting Seth and Roman in the living room before they made their way to the baby shower where all the girls were.

"Hi baby, I'm glad you're here." Sasha smiled once she saw Dean, Seth and Roman arrive.

"Me too. You feelin' okay?" He asked.

"Mhmm. Better now that you're here. I wanted to open the gifts with you so we could enjoy it together." She sweetly smiled.

"Well then let's go ahead and bust 'em open." He chuckled as the two walked to the seats in front of everyone, beginning to open the gifts. They got a lot of diapers, wipes, blankets, stuffed animals and onesies along with other outfits and such. But one last gift from Seth and Bayley caught Sasha's eye as she began getting emotional.

"Oh, my, gosh." She gasped, taking a small leather jacket out of the blue bag.

"Babe look! Colton can actually be a mini you!" She beamed, showing off the tiny leather jacket to her boyfriend.

"Oh hell yeah. Seth actually did a good deed for once." He laughed.

"Whatever man." Seth jokingly rolled his eyes.

"This is the cutest thing ever. I can't wait to dress him up in this once he gets old enough." Sasha beamed again. They thanked everyone for the gifts before eating. They enjoyed spending the rest of the afternoon together before Dean and Sasha began loading up her car and beginning to drive back to their apartment.

"Today was a lot of fun." She smiled to him.

"It was, now we're definitely ready for little Colton to be here." Dean had a small smile across his face, rubbing her bump softly.

"Yes we are. Any day now little man, mama and dada are ready for you." She quietly spoke, looking down to her bump then back up to Dean.

Don't Let Go (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose)Where stories live. Discover now