big brother

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"Honey you ready to go? We need to get going so we're not late." Dean said, the following week. They dropped Colton off with one of their friends since they were going to the first ultrasound of their second baby and once they picked Colton up and got back home they were going to tell him he'd be a big brother. They hoped Colton wouldn't be upset about another baby.

"Yeah. I'm excited to see our second baby." She smiled as they linked hands and walked out to the car.

"Me too." He smiled before beginning the drive to the doctors office. Sasha quickly checked herself in before they were taken back to a room and the ultrasound proceeded.

"Looks like you are already thirteen weeks along, and your due date is May Thirteenth. Congratulations." Her doctor smiled to the two as they got a little emotional seeing their baby on the screen. They thanked her before receiving the ultrasound photos and heading back in the car.

"I can't believe I'm already in the second trimester." Sasha giggled as they began the drive to pick up Colton.

"I know that's crazy. We had no idea through the whole first trimester but I'm glad you and little one are safe and healthy." He smiled, placing a hand on her now showing bump. They then picked up Colton before heading back to their home.

"Hey bub, c'mere for a sec. Mommy and I need to talk to you about something." Dean said to Colton as he was playing with his toys.

"What is it daddy?" Colton asked, his big brown eyes looking up to Dean and Sasha.

"Do you see the white mark in the picture?" Sasha smiled, showing Colton a photo of the ultrasound and pointing to where the baby was. He nodded his head as she continued.

"That's a baby in mommy's belly bub. You're gonna be a big brother and you'll have a little brother or sister." She smiled to him as he looked pretty interested in the photo.

"I be a big brother?" He asked as Sasha and Dean nodded their heads.

"When will baby be here?" He asked, looking to Sasha.

"The baby will be here in May, so just a couple months bubba. The baby has to grow just like you did when you were in mommy's belly." She smiled as she explained it to him.

"Oh, okay mommy." He giggled before getting off Dean's lap and going back to his toys.

"Well at least he didn't throw a fit or cry." Dean shrugged before laughing.

"True. That's what I was most worried about." Sasha smiled before resting her head on Dean's shoulder, enjoying their time home with their son.

Don't Let Go (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose)Where stories live. Discover now