help me

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"Hey Jackson. How was it at Graham's house?" Sasha asked a few weeks later, seeing Jackson walk in the house after being at his best friend's house for the night. The last couple of weeks have definitely been an adjustment for everyone since Colton had moved out and moved in with Luciana, but luckily they only lived about ten minutes away so it was an easy drive to their house. It definitely felt weird having an empty space in the house.

"It was fun mom. We just played some video games and ate some food. I beat Colton's level in Grand Theft Auto." Jackson said, laughing and making Sasha laugh a bit.

"And lemme guess, you rubbed it in his face, didn't you?" Sasha asked, knowing how her two sons were.

"That's the only way how to do it!" Jackson cheered, laughing.

"You two are something else." Sasha laughed.

"Yep. Where's everyone at?" He asked, noticing how quiet the house was.

"Emma and Aria are at the mall shopping and getting their nails done and your dad is on his way back from dropping Payton and Dustin off at the wrestling gym for a little." Sasha informed her youngest son. Dustin was Payton's best friend since sixth grade. The two felt more for each other, but were way too stubborn to admit it.

"Ah, ok. I'm gonna head upstairs for a bit." He said as Sasha nodded her head. Once Jackson walked into his room, he immediately plopped down on his bed and turned on the tv to relax for a bit before his dad and sisters came home. Just a few minutes into watching his show, Jackson heard his phone ring and muted the tv, checking to see who it was. It was his other best friend since seventh grade, Genna Brown. He quickly answered it, figuring she just wanted to bullshit for a few minutes.

"Hey G what's up?" He casually asked, answering his phone.

"Jackson, I need you to come over now. It's an emergency." She pleaded as he got nervous. They usually made plans whenever to hang out and he could tell by the anxiety in her voice that she needed to talk about something serious.

"What's going on?" He asked, worried for his friend.

"I can't tell you over the phone. Just, get here soon. Please Jack." She begged.

"Okay, okay I'm on my way now." He said as the two hung up. Thankfully, Sasha was available to take him to Genna's. Jackson thanked his mom before walking into his friend's house, her mom letting him know she was up in her room. He knocked on her bedroom door before the small, pale skinned girl with short blonde hair and hazel eyes opened the door, and Jackson could tell she had been crying. He kinda had a feeling as to what this could be about, since he knew Genna had been in a toxic relationship with another one of the football players who was a junior, named Andrew Robinson.

"Genna what's going on?" Jackson asked, sitting down on her bed as he was genuinely worried for his friend. She then went into one of her dresser drawers, pulling out three pregnancy tests, then walking back over to Jackson.

"You're pregnant?" He asked, looking down at the three positive pregnancy tests, then back up to her.

"Yeah. I told Andrew yesterday and he yelled at me saying that I ruined his life and he wants nothing to do with me or this child and he hopes we both die. Then he said he's moving away which is a better reason for him not to be around for the baby." Genna whispered before breaking down in tears.

"Oh, Genna. It's okay. It's gonna be okay." Jackson said, standing up and hugging the small blonde as she began sobbing on his shoulder.

"How am I supposed to do this? We're only going into our sophomore year of high school and I'm gonna have a baby." She cried.

"Hey, look at me." He said, softly lifting her head up to look at him with his finger.

"You are not alone in this. I will support you and help you in any way I can. Just because I'm not the father doesn't mean I won't help you. I'm here for you, just like it's been since seventh grade. And just because we're not dating doesn't mean I can't help you. I will be here for both you and your baby, because that's what you both deserve and need." He comforted her as she gave him a weak smile, hugging him.

"Thank you, thank you so much. I don't know what I'd do without you." She smiled, hugging him as tight as she could.

"You're welcome, now relax. Don't stress, I've never had any sort of experience with pregnancy, but the stress isn't good for you or the baby. Let's just watch some tv. Sound good?" He asked as she nodded her head, the two watching some Netflix together in her room before she eventually fell asleep with her head on his shoulder. He smiled to himself before carefully laying her down, and covering her up with a blanket and turning off the tv.

Don't Let Go (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose)Where stories live. Discover now