flashed back

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"Hey sweetie, what's going on?" Sasha smiled as she answered Colton's phone call, just three weeks later. Payton continued filming within the last three weeks as they've gotten all of the family involved. Added with that, Aria gave birth to her and Alexander's second child and son, whom they decided to name Austin Rowen. But, when Sasha saw her son's name pop up on her phone, she had an uneasily weird feeling about the phone call.

"Mom, I need you to come to the hospital now, please." He said with a very upset and concerned tone.

"Why what's wrong baby?" She panicked a bit as Dean walked into the living room to see his girlfriend talking to their son, making a concerned look himself when he saw Sasha panic a bit.

"Luciana, the kids, and myself were in a bad car crash. Luciana and I are fine, we just have some bruises. Allison is in the same state as us. Luis has a broken arm and Dante has a fracture in his leg. Please, we need you mom. Hurry, please." Colton begged.

"We're on our way sweetheart." Sasha quickly reassured her and Dean's eldest son before hanging up the phone.

"Baby what's going on?" Dean asked as Sasha quickly got up from the couch, grabbing the car keys and her purse.

"Colton, Luciana, and the kids were in a car crash and they're at the hospital. He wants us there now." She informed her boyfriend as he panicked a bit himself but the two quickly got into the car and headed over to the hospital. Once they got there, Colton had texted them what floor he, Luciana, and the kids were on as they thanked him before heading in the elevator. As they got in, Dean began experiencing a flashback to when Sasha was in her car crash and found out that she was pregnant with Colton, while she was in her coma.

"Sasha?" Dean quietly spoke as he quickly got into her hospital room. He saw the tan, violet headed girl sleeping peacefully. He carefully held her hand, scanning all the bruises, scratches and cuts, as well as the black eye that had been marked on her skin as he shed a few tears, but stayed quiet and prayed that she got better.

"Babe?" Sasha asked, snapping Dean out of his thoughts.

"Yeah baby?" He asked, looking into her chocolate brown eyes.

"We're on their floor. They're just straight down the hall." She quietly said as he nodded his head, kissing her hand before the two stepped out of the elevator and walked to where they saw their son standing.

"Hey mom, hey dad. The kids are gonna be fine, but we did find out some news about Luciana. They're still running tests on her but they found out she's thirteen weeks pregnant, and there might be a chance she could lose the baby with bad complications from what happened with the car crash." Colton informed them before rubbing his hand over his face.

"Oh sweetheart, that's awful." Sasha said, giving her oldest son a sympathetic look before she and Dean hugged him.

"Yeah, we're just gonna take it day by day. We'll tell everyone else once Luciana gets comfortable with it so just, please don't tell anyone." He pleaded with them.

"We won't bub. Just keep us updated, alright?" Dean reassured his son.

"I will. Is it ok if the kids spend the night with you? They want to keep Luciana overnight just for observations and to make sure the baby will make it through the night." He asked.

"Of course. Just stay with Luciana and we got the kids." Sasha smiled before Colton got Allison, Luis, and Dante, then letting Sasha and Dean take them home.

Don't Let Go (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose)Where stories live. Discover now