away from home

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"How's the packing going?" Sasha asked, six weeks later as she sat up in her and Dean's bed, feeding Colton.

"It's going." He chuckled. He was packing since the following morning he was heading back on the road after being off for Colton's birth and to help Sasha as well as himself get settled into their new lifestyle.

"I don't want you to go." She pouted as he carefully sat next to his girlfriend and son.

"I know honey, I'd rather stay here with you two but gotta make a living somehow." He said, running his fingers through her dark brown hair.

"It's gonna be weird being here without you, but at least you'll only be gone a couple days then you'll be back home." She smiled as she handed Colton to him.

"Yep. Four days then I'm back home with my babies. Hope little man isn't too much trouble for you." Dean chuckled, looking down at his son then back up to Sasha.

"I can handle him." She laughed before they got ready for bed and falling asleep. The next morning was an early one since Dean's flight was early, as well as he and Sasha were already awake because of Colton's feeding schedule. Once Dean was all packed, he and Sasha said their goodbyes.

"Please be safe. Call me as soon as you land and try to FaceTime tonight?" She asked.

"I will. Have fun with little man." He chuckled, kissing Colton's cheek then softly kissing her lips.

"Will do. Have fun with Roman and Seth." She laughed before the two waved off as he headed back on the road.

"Okay baby, it's just you and mama for a few days till daddy gets home. Hope you're okay with that." She giggled, kissing his cheek before placing Colton back in his bassinet so she could get a little more rest. Later on that afternoon after Sasha had been awake most of the day with Colton, she felt her phone buzz, then hearing it ring to see it was Dean trying to FaceTime her. She quickly accepted his call.

"Hi honey." She grinned, seeing her boyfriend on the screen as she held Colton with her free arm.

"Hey honey. How are you and little man doing?" He asked.

"Pretty good. He slept for about another three hours after you left this morning so I got a little more rest. How was your flight?" She smiled.

"Pretty good. Roman and Seth about tackled me when they saw me at the hotel today." He chuckled.

"They always tackle you or me. That's nothing unusual." She giggled.

"Fair point. But I can't wait to see your two again. I miss you both." He said.

"We can't wait either and we miss you too. I would show him your face on the screen but he's asleep." She admitted with a laugh.

"It's okay. But I gotta get going since the show is starting soon. I love you both. I'll call you after the show."

"We love you too." She smiled before the two hung up.

Don't Let Go (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose)Where stories live. Discover now