final goodbye

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Just six days later, it was Dustin's funeral. Payton didn't know how she was keeping it together, but she was trying her best since she also was carrying her and Dustin's child. It was hard for her when she had to tell the whole family what happened. They supported her with her grieving, but they also gave her time and space. She still hadn't told them she was pregnant yet, which she decided she'd wait until after the first ultrasound which would be in two weeks. Once she told her siblings about Dustin's passing, Ryan also dropped off a box of things for Payton to have in memory of him since they were the loves of each other's lives. In the box was all of Dustin's hoodies, about five bottles of his cologne he used, which Payton knew Ryan had bought extra for Payton to have, along with a scrapbook of pictures of the two. It helped her a lot, especially since she could show the baby the scrapbook of her and Dustin once the baby got older.

"Hey princess, you ready?" Dean asked after knocking on Payton's door. She dressed in a simple black jumpsuit to where it could cover her little baby bump, with a black leather jacket and black boots. She only wanted Dean and Sasha going with her to the funeral too, just for their support. All of her siblings had went the previous evening to his memorial, but she wanted the funeral to be a little more private in terms of who went with her, which they all understood and supported her nevertheless.

"Yeah." She whispered with a nod, standing up before she, Sasha and Dean headed out to the car and drove to the funeral home where Dustin's funeral service would be held. They met up with Ryan first since just a few people were there once they arrived, and Payton didn't want to be around all of the people there the whole time. She mainly wanted to stay around Sasha, Dean and Ryan. Mainly the people that were there was Dustin's other family; his grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Both his and Payton's friends from the wrestling team and boxing were there too. They were giving Payton her space as well since she hadn't really talked to any friends since the accident, which is understandable.

"Hey sweetheart." Ryan gave Payton a sympathetic smile before hugging her.

"Hey." She quietly said.

"Are you doing okay?" He asked. He always thought of Payton as his daughter, and that relationship wouldn't be going away. Even if she wasn't pregnant the two were going to make sure they didn't lose their relationship.

"Trying to be. I'm trying not to be so stressed and upset because that's gonna hurt the baby, as well as my mentality. I'm just trying to get through every day, one day at a time." She admitted, rubbing her tired eyes.

"That's what we all gotta do sweetheart, but we're all here for each other, alright? No matter what you know I'm here for you, and the little gift inside you." He smiled as Payton gave him a small smile as he talked about the baby.

"I know. Thanks, it does mean a lot." She smiled before hugging him.

"Anytime. Did you still want to give your speech or did you just wanna stand back with your parents?" He asked. Payton at first wanted to give a speech about Dustin, but she wasn't exactly sure what to say. She'd been going over what she'd say day after day, until she just told herself that she'd wing her speech since there was so much to say, but she didn't want to choke out every word that came out of her mouth.

"Yeah, I still do. It's only right for me to give one. He'd want me to." Payton admitted with a half smile. Just a little bit later as the funeral service began, Payton walked up next to Dustin's casket where there was a little stand for her to give a speech. It pained her to see Dustin laying there, lifeless, but she also knew he was in a better place. She cleared her throat, trying to hold back tears before giving her speech.

"I was Dustin's girlfriend, and for the year and a half we were together has made me grow so much as a person. He's shown me how a guy is supposed to treat a girl. He's shown me how to be carefree, and he always lifted me up even when I felt like I had no one. Life isn't fair, they always take the good ones, but I know right now, he's looking down at all of us and smiling, probably making a dumb joke. He will always be in my heart and I will forever be in love with him." She said through her tears before taking a deep breath. She then walked over to the casket, before placing a small photo collage of the two inside.

"I love you, forever and always." She whispered before crying, making her way back to where Sasha, Dean and Ryan were standing before hugging her dad.

"It's alright sweetheart, it's alright. You've got us. It's all gonna work out. I promise princess." Dean whispered, kissing the top of Payton's head as she tried to clear herself up. She couldn't even fathom the thought of losing the love of her life, but now he's gone and she's all alone without him, and she has their baby on the way. She had to push through for the baby and for Dustin because she knew that's what he'd want.

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