family of four

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Three months later, Genna had went into labor early in the morning with her and Jackson's son, whom they decided to name Conner Jackson Good. They were very excited and anxious to meet their son, but they were a bit nervous with how little Isabella would react to the new baby. She's seemed excited all throughout Genna's pregnancy, they just hoped she'd be as excited when she'd meet her baby brother.

"There you go baby, you're doing great." Jackson smiled as Genna had another hard contraction hit. She was a lot more calm during the labor with Conner than she was Isabella, but was impatient to meet their son.

"I'm ready for him to be out." She sighed with a small smile, taking a deep breath in between her contractions.

"Me too baby, but he's almost here. You're at eight centimeters dilated, not long now." He kissed her cheek as she entered her sixth hour into labor. She nodded her head and tried to remain calm during the last bit of her labor.

Two hours later, totaling Genna's labor to eight hours, she got to ten centimeters dilated. She and Jackson were both relieved that she would be pushing to give birth to their son, and so she wouldn't be in pain anymore.

"Good baby, there you go." Jackson smiled after she had been pushing for fifteen minutes.

"Oh, god." She groaned as she was in some pain and agony trying to give birth to their son.

"Almost there baby, just a couple more pushes. I promise." He encouraged his fiancé as she kept pushing. Twenty minutes later, the loud cries of baby Conner filled the room as both Jackson and Genna got very emotional knowing that their baby boy was born.

"You're the toughest girl I know, I love you so so much beautiful." Jackson beamed through his tears, kissing Genna's sweaty forehead.

"I love you too." She whispered. Later that day, after Genna finished nursing baby Conner, Payton and Alec brought little Dustin and Isabella to meet baby Conner, but they let Isabella in first so Jackson and Genna could enjoy their new family of four.

"Hi daddy!" Isabella giggled, walking over to Jackson.

"Hi princess! Are you excited to meet your new baby brother?" He asked as Isabella enthusiastically nodded her head. Jackson and Genna smiled to their daughter before Jackson helped her hold baby Conner.

"He's so cute!" She giggled before she began crying a bit.

"Are you okay princess?" Genna asked her daughter.

"Mm-hmm." She smiled through her tears.

"Are you happy to meet your baby brother?" Jackson asked.

"Yeah. I love him." She smiled as that had melted both Genna and Jackson's hearts. Once little Isabella was done holding Conner, Jackson took his newborn son before helping Isabella up onto Genna's bed, the four enjoying some private and quiet family time.

Don't Let Go (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose)Where stories live. Discover now