the girls

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      After Colton and Luciana had broken the news to the family about her being pregnant, everyone had been overjoyed with excitement. She and Colton also went to the doctor to find out she was eleven weeks along and her due date was May Eighteenth. Meanwhile, it was the night of November Seventeenth and Jackson had just arrived to Genna's house. She was now thirty nine weeks pregnant with her daughter whom she decided to name Isabella Renee and she'd have Jackson's last name, Good. Jackson had been staying the night with Genna most of the time so he could be right with her for the whole labor and delivery process. He was excited to meet baby Isabella, but was also slightly nervous since he was basically becoming her dad.

"Hey G how are you feelin?" Jackson asked as he walked inside Genna's house, her mom letting him know she was upstairs in her room. He quietly walked in there, seeing her laying down in the peace and quiet.

"I'm really tired. I think I've been having false contractions all day. They haven't been constant but they're still there." She groaned as he crouched down next to her, holding her hand.

"Okay. It's gonna be alright. I'm right here. Baby Isabella's gonna be here soon G, I promise. Do you want me to sleep on the couch so you'll have more room?" He asked, wanting nothing more than to make sure she was okay and somewhat comfortable.

"Can you lay with me? I'd feel better if you did." She admitted with a shy smile on her face as Jackson chuckled softly.

"Of course. Whatever you want." He smile as she moved over a little to let him have some room on her bed before he carefully laid down next to her. She then scooted closer to him, relaxing herself in his arms as he never felt more at peace and at home.

"Jack?" Genna tapped him on his shoulder a few hours later, the time being 1:23am.

"Yeah Genna?" He asked, quickly waking up and seeing his friend in pain.

"My water broke and my contractions started." She whimpered, clinging onto his neck for her life.

"Okay. Does your mom know is she awake?" He asked as she nodded her head.

"Let me grab the hospital bag and we'll leave, okay? It's all gonna be alright G. It's gonna be okay." Jackson whispered as she nodded her head. Her mom then walked into the room, helping Genna stand up while Jackson grabbed both hospital bags, the three heading out to the car. Even though Jackson knew his parents were sleeping, he still texted his mom and dad to let them know that Genna had gone into labor and that they can head to the hospital whenever they got up and ready later that morning.

"You're doing amazing G. Keep breathing." Jackson gave the small blonde a reassuring smile as he held her hand on the car ride to the hospital. Once they arrived there, Genna quickly was settled into a room, the doctors hooking her up to a bunch of different machines and putting the IV in her arm. They then checked her dilation, which she was only at three centimeters. Jackson and Genna both knew her labor would be long, but they also knew it'd be worth it once baby Isabella was born.

"Oh god. I just want her out." Genna groaned, seven hours later as she felt a strong contraction. It was a little after eight in the morning, as all of Jackson's family, siblings included had made it to the hospital but they were out in the waiting room. Genna had been in labor for almost eight hours and she was almost to nine centimeters dilated but the pain was becoming excruciating for her.

"Almost there G. You got this. You've made it this far. She's almost here, you got this." Jackson encouraged her, holding her hand tightly.

"She'd better be almost here. I can't take this much longer." She whimpered.

"I promise she is. You got this." He smiled to her. Two hours later, totaling Genna's labor to nine hours she was finally at ten centimeters dilated, so she was relieved to finally be able to give birth to baby Isabella.

"You can do this Genna. Baby Isabella's almost here. You got this." Jackson grinned, holding her hand as her mom held her other hand. Genna gave him a tired smile before she got herself in pushing position.

"Good G! She's almost here! Keep going!" Jackson encouraged her after Genna had been pushing for almost thirty minutes. Seconds later, the loud cries of baby Isabella filled the room as both Jackson and Genna had began crying, realizing that the baby had been born.

"You are so, so strong. I'm so proud of you." Jackson smiled through his tears, kissing Genna's sweaty forehead. She gave him a weak smile through her tears as if she was saying, "thank you." Just a short few moments later, the nurse brought in the newborn baby girl as she was all cleaned up and wrapped in a light pink blanket and a little hat on her head. She was then placed on Genna's chest and she lost it looking at her baby girl.

"My baby. She's so beautiful." Genna whispered as she and Jackson admired the baby's features. She was a spitting image of Genna from the hair and eye color, facial features, everything was her mama.

"She is. She's so beautiful just like her mama." Jackson smiled, looking to her as she was beaming with excitement. He then allowed his family to come back to meet baby Isabella as the whole family was purely in love with her and loved seeing the interactions between Jackson and the baby.

"Hey Jackson, can you come with me for a sec?" Dean asked as Jackson had carefully placed Isabella back in Genna's arms.

"Yeah sure dad." Jackson smiled before he and Dean walked out of the room and somewhere private.

"So, how are you liking the fatherhood life now?" Dean gave his son a small smile.

"I love it dad. Isabella is so so beautiful. It kinda feels like I was meant to help out Genna and be Isabella's dad. I couldn't imagine doing or being anything else." He answered truthfully with a huge smile on his face.

"I'm glad. I'm really proud of you son. You're way more mature than most kids your age. You did a wonderful thing and I have no doubts you will be a good dad to Isabella. I'm very, very proud of you Jackson." Dean smiled, hugging his son.

"Thanks dad. I had the best figure to look up to as a dad. All I know is from you." He smiled as the two headed back into the room, enjoying time together and celebrating little Isabella.

Don't Let Go (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose)Where stories live. Discover now