championship worthy

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Two months later, it was SummerSlam. Everyone was super excited and pumped for it. Payton and Amaya would have their trilogy and final match that night in a Falls Count Anywhere match. Alec would be defending and retaining his Intercontinental Championship against Maverick Cade, Trevor Andrews, and Zane Ryan in a Fatal Four Way match. Jackson, however, didn't have a match. But, he would be cashing in his MITB contract in the main event for the Universal Championship. The main event was Brody Leon, the current champion, defending against Damon Harris. No one was expecting Jackson to cash in, which would make the moment even better. Tying in with additions of a title, two new additions made their way into the family within the last two months. Emma gave birth to her and Christian's second daughter, whom they decided to name, Grace Skye Miller. Luciana also gave birth to her and Colton's third child but second son, whom they decided to name, Dante Lorenzo Good. So, obviously they weren't in Chicago for SummerSlam. But, Sasha, Dean, Aria, Alexander, and little Ashton were there for Alec, Payton, and Jackson's matches.

"How are you feeling about tonight bub?" Payton asked as she, Alec, and Jackson were all driving together to the show.

"I'm really excited. But I'm so excited to watch your guys' matches. You're gonna kick ass." He grinned, looking over to Alec and Payton.

"Thanks bud." She smiled before they headed in the arena and began getting ready for the show. Later on that night, Jackson and Payton watched Alec's match since he was first as he successfully defended his title. Payton congratulated her boyfriend with a huge hug and a kiss.

Payton's match, however, was a bit more violent. She won her Falls Count Anywhere match against Amaya Rollins, but Amaya did a super-kick to her face and Payton forgot to block part of it, causing her to get two teeth knocked out, and she got busted open when she was thrown into the titranon screen, where they made their entrances towards the end of the match. She felt fine though, even if she was covered in blood, literally, and had to get seven stitches right on the top of her forehead.

At the end of the show, Alec, Payton, and Genna were in gorilla, watching the main event. Isabella and Conner wanted to sit out in the crowd with their nana and papa, referring to Sasha and Dean, but they had no idea about their dad becoming champion that night. Jackson smiled to them before he ran down the ramp, then cashing in his contract. Everyone exploded with cheers as Jackson successfully cashed in and won the Universal Championship.

"Congrats bub! I'm so proud of you!" Payton cheered as she hugged her twin once he came back to gorilla.

"Thank you sis." He smiled before hugging Alec, then hugging Genna.

"I'm so proud of you baby, so so so proud." She grinned through her tears as she got a bit emotional for her fiancé.

"Thank you, beautiful. This is for the five of you." He grinned, passionately kissing her as he referred to her, the twin babies she was carrying, Isabella, and Conner. This has been his dream forever, and it felt damn good now that it was a reality.

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