protect her

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"Oh god." Sasha groaned before dunking her head in the toilet as she and Dean were awake, early Wednesday morning since she was having another bad case of morning sickness with their second baby. Later on that day, they were going to find out the gender of their baby since Sasha was twenty three weeks along now. They were very excited and Colton had gotten used to the idea of having a little sibling and he was getting more excited.

"It's okay honey, I'm right here." Dean comforted her, rubbing her back and holding her hair back before tying it in a messy bun while she threw up two more times.

"This hurts and it sucks." She whimpered with a scratchy voice, laying her head and upper body on Dean's chest.

"I know honey, I know. It'll be over soon. Lemme clean you up and then you can get some rest before going to the doctors later." He said, kissing the top of her head before grabbing a warm washcloth and washing her face before helping her brush her teeth. He helped her walk back to their bed before she basically passed out as soon as she laid down. A few hours they both had woken up before Dean dropped Colton off with one of their friends again, making their way to the doctors to find out the gender of the baby.

"What do you think the baby will be?" Sasha smiled to her boyfriend.

"I'm kinda feelin' a girl since you weren't nearly as sick with Colton as you are with this one and just from what some of my old friends have told me when their girls had their daughters." He said, referring to his friends from the indie scene but he didn't talk to them much or at all now.

"Hm, that's wild. I'm kinda feeling it's gonna be another boy, but if it's a girl I'm fine with that too." She smiled before they arrived to the office, getting checked in before the ultrasound appointment began.

"Alright, lets see if this baby is a little boy or girl." Sasha's doctor smiled to the two as they began getting excited and nervous.

"It looks like your baby is a little girl. Congratulations." She smiled, showing them the female genitalia on the baby.

"Aww it's a little girl. I'm so excited!" Sasha beamed as she was melting at the sight of Dean getting a little emotional since he was having a daughter.

"I get my own little princess that I can protect." He grinned, his sights not leaving Sasha and the monitor. They then got the ultrasound pictures before heading back to pick up Colton to tell him he was having a little sister.

"Alright baby, you've been asking since we told you that you're gonna be a big brother if it's a boy or girl. So daddy and I went to the doctor and we found out that the baby is a girl bub. You're having a little sister." Sasha smiled to Colton, showing him the ultrasound photo.

"A girl?" He asked, looking up to Sasha and Dean.

"Yeah bub. You get a little sister in about three months." Dean smiled as Colton began smiling and giggling.

"Yay sissy!" He giggled before clapping his hands, walking over to Sasha and giving her belly a little baby kiss as she completely melted.

"You are going to be the best big brother ever baby." Sasha smiled before kissing Colton's cheek.

Don't Let Go (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose)Where stories live. Discover now