heart wrenched

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             Two months later, it was November 30th. Everyone was together for Thanksgiving about six days prior. Jackson, Genna, Payton, Dustin and Aria were still on their Thanksgiving break. Payton and Dustin had also just hit the eighteen month milestone in their relationship. But that was going away quickly and unexpectedly, because Payton wouldn't be seeing Dustin anymore.

"What the?" Payton yawned, checking the time to see it was 12:57am. She saw Dustin's dad, Ryan Andrews calling her. She quickly answered the phone.

"Hello?" She answered, waiting for Dustin's dad to respond.

"Payton, it's Ryan. Look sweetheart I'm so sorry to be telling you this, but Dustin was in a really bad car accident with a drunk driver and there's a good chance he may not make it through the night. If you want to see him before he's gone you need to come ASAP." He said as Payton began sobbing.

"Okay. I'll be there as soon as I can." Payton said before hanging up the phone. She threw on her shoes before sprinting into her mom and dad's room.

"Dad! Dad! Wake up dad please it's an emergency!" Payton sobbed as both Dean and Sasha woke right up.

"Woah woah woah baby what's wrong?" Dean asked, panicking at the sight of his daughter right in front of his eyes.

"Dustin was in a car wreck and he may not make it through the night! Please dad I need to see him!" She sobbed and screamed.

"Okay baby we're going." Dean calmly said as both he and Sasha were distraught by what their daughter had just told them. They quickly drove to the hospital and as soon as they stepped a foot in there, Payton began pushing through people and screaming her boyfriend's name.

"Dustin! Dustin wait please!" She kept screaming and crying before running into Ryan.

"Where's Dustin?! I need to see him please let me see him!" She begged although she had a feeling of what was coming.

"Sweetheart, I'm so sorry. Dustin passed away just five minutes ago." Ryan said as he was crying himself. Dustin was Ryan's only child with his late wife, Cassidy. She had died when Dustin was six, ironically the same way Dustin had just passed; a drunken car crash. Obviously she wasn't drinking and neither was Dustin, it was the other driver. It hit both boys hard when Cassidy passed away since Dustin was so close to her and now Ryan has lost both his wife and son.

"It's not true, he told me he'd be home safe! This can't be happening!" Payton screamed before Dean wrapped his arms around his daughter as she began screaming and crying into his chest.

"Baby, I'm so sorry princess." Dean sighed as he was pretty distraught himself. He knew how much Dustin meant to Payton and how happy they were together. Hell they had their whole future planned together, and to see that all disappear and fall through the cracks within minutes was heart wrenching.

"Sweetheart we're here for you, okay? Let it out babygirl." Sasha whispered, rubbing Payton's back soothingly as she was holding on tight to her mom. She tried catching her breath since she knew she had to tell them something else.

"I'm pregnant." She blurted out, looking up at Sasha, Dean and Ryan.

"What?" They all three asked.

"I'm pregnant and Dustin's not even here." She whispered before crying again as the three looked at each other with broken expressions on their faces.

"Baby how do you know? Did you take a test or something?" Dean asked his youngest daughter. She pulled out of her mother's embrace, wiping her tears and taking a deep breath.

"Yeah, this morning when you and mom went to the store I took four tests. I got them the other day after school while Dustin was at the gym. I just wanted to take them by myself just incase they were negative. I haven't had my period in seven weeks and I've been throwing up a lot and I've been super tired. I was going to tell Dustin tomorrow morning since we were going to have brunch together, but now he's not gonna know." She said with a staggery breath at the end.

"Awww, baby. It's gonna be alright. Look, you have me and your dad and Ryan. I know your siblings will be behind you and support you through this. Especially Jackson with what he went through with Genna. We're here for you though, okay?" Sasha reassured Payton as she nodded her head, hugging Ryan, Sasha and Dean before they headed home. Once Payton washed her face and changed into one of Dustin's hoodies she had, she walked back into Sasha and Dean's room since she really wanted to talk to them, especially Sasha since now she knew her daughter was pregnant.

"Mom?" Payton asked as she saw Dean and Sasha sitting up in bed, Payton sitting up there herself.

"Yeah sweetheart?" She asked, moving her legs so Payton could have a bit more room.

"How am I supposed to do this without Dustin? I don't have my boyfriend to be there with me through all the ultrasounds or doctors appointments, to find out the baby's gender or to pick a name. I don't have him with me to just enjoy us having a family or the birth of our child. Why would this happen?" Payton asked with tear filled eyes as Sasha felt her eyes getting a little watery herself.

"It's gonna be rough sweetheart, I can't lie about that. It's gonna be harder for you than how it was when your dad and I had you, when Genna had Isabella or when Luciana had Allison because they have someone and you don't have Dustin, but that doesn't mean you'll be alone. You know Ryan, me and your dad have your back and will be there for you every step of the way. I have no doubt that your brothers and sisters will be there for you too." Sasha gave her daughter a reassuring smile.

"Okay, but do I have to tell everyone this weekend I'm pregnant?" She asked as Dean and Sasha could tell that she really didn't want to.

"Baby, you tell them when you're ready. All I'll say about that is whenever you're ready to tell them, that's when you'll tell them. But you're gonna have to tell them before you start showing a lot because then they'll know without even having to say anything." Sasha said as Payton nodded her head.

"But, it's been a long night, why don't you get some rest princess, you look drained. You need the rest especially since you're carrying a baby." Dean said as Payton nodded her head, hugging her mom and dad before walking back into her room.

"Well baby, daddy won't be here physically but he'll be here spiritually. We'll get through this." Payton whispered, placing her hand on her stomach where it was still a bit flat before soothingly rubbing it, then falling asleep.

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