taking over

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Two Months Later

"I'm so excited!" Payton squealed to her twin brother as they walked down the ramp, into the ring at the AT&T Center in San Antonio, Texas. Yes, Payton, baby Dustin, Jackson, Genna, and little Isabella were back home in San Antonio for a very special night. After working hard in NXT for a bit, she and Jackson would be making their NXT Takeover debuts. They were both very excited and so ready to take on this next chapter as they had exciting matches. Payton, who's ring name would be P.C. Ambrose, would take on another girl in NXT, named Elena Jax. Jackson, who's ring name would be Jack Ambrose, would be taking on Maverick Cade. There was a lot of hype around Payton and Jackson's matches, but they knew they could and they would deliver. It also gave them a warm feeling knowing that all their family would be front row to watch their matches.

"Me too sis. This is gonna be so freakin cool!" Jackson brightly smiled as they looked around the arena, seeing all the empty seats but also knew that within a short amount of time they'd be filled, every single one of them.

"So, now that we're home are you going to introduce Alec to everyone?" He asked. Now that Alec has met baby Dustin, as well as Genna and Isabella since Alec and Jackson had already been friends from training, it was a matter of time before she'd bring her boyfriend around the family. But, Payton wasn't ready for that just yet. She wanted to wait just a tad bit longer.

"No, not tonight. I don't want the focus of tonight being about meeting Alec. I'm already a bit overwhelmed with the debut tonight, I don't wanna add anything else on." She explained to her twin.

"Understandable, but do you know when you'll tell them?" He replied.

"Next month when we're home for Christmas, and since they'll have more time to know him since we get about ten days off. I just want everyone to actually get to know him when they meet him instead of them meeting him being like a meet and greet, ya know?" She explained.

"Definitely. But, we gotta start getting ready. Show starts soon." Jackson said as the two hugged before heading to their separate locker rooms. Payton had to get ready quicker since her match was first, but she was so excited nevertheless. Also, another thing that added onto Payton and Jackson's excitement for the night was that they'd be surprising their parents with their ring gears, which were inspired by them. Payton would be wearing the gear style that Sasha wore at WrestleMania 32, for her first Mania match. Except the gear style would be Payton's permanent gear style, not for one night only. She'd also be wearing a leather jacket that her mom and dad both used to wear during their wrestling days. Jackson's gear would be what Dean used to wear; leather jacket, tank tops or muscle shirts, the jeans, and the taped wrists and knuckles. They wanted to keep their gear a secret to make it that much more extra special for their parents.

Payton and Jackson's NXT Takeover debuts had been very, very successful to say the least. The crowd was extremely loud for their "hometown heroes," as well as being super invested in their matches. Now, they were backstage waiting for their family to come greet them since both matches were over. The twins brightly grinned once they saw their family.

"You two! You guys killed it!" Sasha grinned as she saw her youngest son and daughter, she and Dean hugging them tightly.

"Thank you." They both smiled. They grinned ear to ear seeing their family so proud, happy, and excited for them. It was definitely a night for the books, but the night wasn't over for Jackson, Genna, and Isabella. After letting him hug everyone, Genna pulled her boyfriend aside to tell him some exciting news.

"You're making my anxiety worse than how it was before I went out for my debut, what's up babydoll?" Jackson laughed as he and Genna went to a private and secluded area, where she could tell him the exciting news.

"So, just to add on to more exciting things like your debut, I found out the other day that we're having another baby!" She squealed, showing him the ultrasound photo as he gasped with excitement.

"Oh my god! Baby! I'm so fucking excited!" He cheered before hugging his girlfriend and began getting emotional.

"How far along are you?" He asked once he cleared himself up.

"Thirteen weeks, two days." She beamed.

"Oh, my gosh, this is so good baby! Thank you for letting me be a daddy again." He grinned from ear to ear before peppering her with kisses.

"Thank you for letting me be a mommy again." She giggled, the two basking in the happiness before quickly hiding it since they wanted to wait until the following morning to tell everyone, but they wanted to enjoy the family time and celebrate for the rest of the evening.

Don't Let Go (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose)Where stories live. Discover now