another addition

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While Emma was preparing to graduate, also balancing her relationship with Christian, Payton and Jackson wrestling as he was still helping Genna and she was now thirty three weeks pregnant with the baby, Payton still dating Dustin and Aria trying to find herself after cutting herself out of the party scene things were going good for everyone. And things were about to get even better, especially for Colton and Luciana.

"Three minutes. We can do this." Luciana said, taking a deep breath before Colton wrapped his arms around his wife. She had just finished taking a pregnancy test, so now they were waiting for the results. Luciana had been feeling sick for the past two weeks and she was a month late for her period, also tying in the fact that she and Colton had been trying everyday for her to get pregnant. They just hoped the results were what they wanted.

"It'll be okay beautiful. No matter what the test says. If it's negative, we'll keep trying. If it's positive, then we'll go to the doctors and make sure you and baby are okay." He reassured her, kissing her cheek. Three minutes felt like forever to them, but they jumped a little when Luciana's alarm on her phone went off.

"It's time." Colton gave her a small smile as he could tell Luciana was nervous. She took a deep breath before grabbing the small plastic test that was rested on the edge of the bathroom sink.

"Oh my god!" Luciana squealed before Colton grinned from ear to ear, picking up his wife and peppering her with kisses.

"We're having a baby!" They both cheered, constantly looking at the positive pregnancy test.

"God I'm so fucking excited to have a baby with you. I love you." Colton grinned as he got emotional himself, cupping Luciana's cheeks and slowly kissing her.

"I'm so excited too baby. We're having our own little family!" She beamed, the two soaking in the warm feeling they had.

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