take care

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2:31am, Sasha glanced at her phone to check the time. She then began hearing one of her babies crying, both she and Dean waking up.

"Is that Aria?" Dean asked Sasha as they both looked to each other, hearing the cries.

"I think so." Sasha said, getting out of bed and walking into her youngest baby's nursery to see her twenty month old daughter standing in her crib, holding to the railing and crying.

"Mama! Mama!" She kept crying, Sasha lifting her out of the crib.

"What's wrong princess?" Sasha asked, moving Aria's dark brown curls away from her face.

"I feel yuckie." She whimpered.

"Are you gonna get sick?" She asked, seeing Aria's usual tan skin go a bit pale. She then nodded her head so Sasha quickly walked into her and Dean's bathroom, letting Aria down as she toddled over to the toilet, placing her little hands on the rim of the toilet before getting sick.

"It's okay baby, mama and dada's here." Sasha soothingly rubbed Aria's back as Dean began a warm bath for her.

"It hurts mama." Aria whimpered with glassy eyes.

"I know princess, but we're gonna get you better princess. Let's get you out of these nasty jammies and get you in the tub." Sasha softly smiled as she and Dean cleaned her up, then getting her wrapped in a towel as Dean got her dressed in some footie pajamas while Sasha got her medicine. He tried to make her feel better while brushing her teeth, making funny faces to her as she smiled a little.

"Okay baby, lets take your medicine and then you can go back to sleep." Sasha whispered, kissing Aria's little forehead before giving her the medicine and then lifting her off the sink so she could try to get her to go back to sleep. After rocking her for a few minutes and quietly singing to her, Aria fell back to sleep in Sasha's arms as she carefully laid back down, Dean covering them up and pulling them closer to him as the two fell back to sleep themselves.

Don't Let Go (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose)Where stories live. Discover now