firsts for everything

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"Good morning beautiful." Jackson smiled to Genna, one week later. Now that they've been dating for about five months, they were finally going on a date for the two of them. They have wanted to go on a date for a while, but with Jackson working, both of them in school and parenting baby Isabella, they didn't have the time. So, they finally asked Dean and Sasha to watch Isabella while the two went on their date. Sasha and Dean had no problems with watching their granddaughter, the same with how they didn't have a problem watching her when Jackson asked Genna out to the dance and they got together.

"Good morning handsome. I'm so excited for today." Genna beamed as she was wrapped in Jackson's arms.

"Me too babygirl. I'm glad we can finally go on a date." He smiled before kissing her forehead.

"I am too. What exactly did you have planned for our date?" She asked as the two sat up, Jackson going over to pick up baby Isabella from her crib.

"A picnic. I already checked to make sure it's not gonna rain, which today is going to be pure sunshine so we shouldn't have any issues." He smiled, kissing Isabella's cheeks as she giggled and babbled back to him. They then got ready for their date after getting Isabella some baby food to eat and getting her ready for the day. Once everything was packed, Jackson and Genna headed out to the park for their picnic.

"I'm so glad we got to do this." Genna smiled after she and Jackson found a quiet and private spot, munching on some chips.

"Me too. I don't remember the last time just the two of us did something like this together. Probably before princess was born, and now she's gonna be one in a couple weeks." He said, both of them widening their eyes to how fast their daughter has grown over the year.

"I know, it's crazy. I can't believe she's gonna be a year old. It feels like yesterday my water broke and then she was here in our arms." She smiled, looking up into her boyfriend's ocean blue eyes.

"It does, but she's gonna be just like her mama. She's your twin anyways." He gave a soft smile to his girlfriend.

"That she is. You know, I don't remember the last time I said how grateful I am for you Jackson. But I'm very very grateful for you." Genna smiled as Jackson smiled himself.

"I'm very grateful for you too, my love." He beamed before softly kissing her.

"I'm just so glad I had you as a friend, which now you're my best friend and my boyfriend. I get a good deal." She giggled as he chuckled himself.

"But seriously, without you I dunno where Isabella and I'd be. I mean, I'd still be going to school, living with my mom and siblings and taking care of her. But she wouldn't have the father figure she has in you. She probably wouldn't be such a happy baby as she is. And it makes my world when I see you two interacting because I never had that with my dad, so it was important for Isabella to have that with her dad. Her biological father, or the sperm trash wasn't going to be in her life, but you're both of our angels. And for that I'm grateful, both of us are grateful to have you. Especially Isabella because she has a daddy in her life." Genna beamed as she shed a few tears. Jackson smiled, embracing his girlfriend before kissing the top of her head.

"Babydoll, I know you both are so grateful. And fuck Andrew! He's such a piece of shit and he's missing out on his daughter's life. He doesn't deserve to have her in his life. And until my heart stops beating and I don't have breath in my lungs I will protect the both of you with my heart and soul, Genna. That's my promise to the both you." He made clear before kissing her. Once they pulled away, they both felt a hard crash of rain hit them, now that it was pouring rain.

"Oh, come on!" Jackson groaned with a laugh.

"Baby I don't think you checked the weather hard enough." Genna giggled. He then shrugged before quickly picking her up, carrying her as they ran to the car. He then ran back out to grab their blanket and basket before running back into the car, catching his breath before they both were laughing.

"Well, this was an eventful first date." Genna laughed.

"Yeah, but one of many dates to come for our forever." He smiled before kissing her cheek, then heading back home.

Don't Let Go (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose)Where stories live. Discover now