little boy's first day

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"Colton, wake up baby. It's your first day of school." Sasha softly smiled to her son. The summer flew by, and Sasha, Dean and the kids adjusted well to now living in San Antonio. Now it was Colton's first day of kindergarten and Sasha wasn't ready to not be with her first baby all day, the way it's been since he was born.

"It's too early mommy." He yawned as she helped him out of his bed and carried him downstairs.

"You're starting to sound like me bub. Let daddy get you some breakfast while I feed sissy." She laughed a little before handing Colton to Dean while she tended to eight month old Aria.

"Are you excited for school today little man?" Dean smiled as he gave Colton and Emma their breakfast.

"Mhm." He nodded his head, giving his dad a smile after chewing and swallowing his cereal.

"What are you most excited for bud?" Dean asked, sitting down with his two oldest kids.

"To learn new things and make some friends!" He cheered with a few laughs.

"That's what I like to hear bub. When you're done eating go ahead and get dressed so we can go. You don't wanna be late for your first day." He said, kissing Colton's head as the little boy nodded his head. Dean then got Emma cleaned up and ready for the day while he also helped Colton finish getting ready for school since Sasha was still nursing Aria.

"Awww, my little baby is all ready for his first day of school." Sasha smiled a few minutes later as Colton came downstairs along with Dean and Emma ready to go.

"I'm excited mommy!" He cheered, laughing and giving her a hug.

"I'm glad bub. Let's head out so you're not late." She smiled, putting Aria in her car seat and then getting the three into the car before she and Dean headed off to the elementary school. Just a short drive later, they arrived to his elementary school and they took him to his classroom.

"You okay baby?" Sasha asked, kneeling down to Colton's level as she could see he was getting nervous.

"I don't wanna leave you mommy." He whispered, his big brown eyes looking up to hers and Dean's.

"It's okay baby. You're gonna see us in a little while. You're gonna have a good day okay?" She reassured him.

"Yeah. I love you." He said, hugging Sasha.

"I love you too." She smiled before he said goodbye to Dean and the girls, the four heading home until they got him later on that afternoon.

Don't Let Go (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose)Where stories live. Discover now