a whole family of seven

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Four Months Later

"C'mon babes, you guys all gotta go to bed. Mommy needs to also." Sasha smiled to Colton, Emma, and Aria. Sasha was now 34 weeks pregnant with the twins, as she and Dean decides to name them Jackson Alexander and Payton Clara. Two weeks ago, Dean let Emma, Colton and Aria help him with decorating the nursery since Sasha couldn't do much. Then, two days ago she and Dean had went to the doctors for her checkup on herself and the twins, and Payton was positioned in an unnatural way, so they went ahead and scheduled for Sasha to be induced the following day, which would be June 2nd. Luckily, in the morning Bayley and Seth would meet up with Dean and Sasha to take Colton, Emma and Aria until Sasha had the twins.

"Goodnight babies. I love you." Sasha and Dean smiled after Colton and Emma had fallen asleep, then saying the same to Aria and laying her down in her now toddler sized bed. Once they turned out Aria's light, they headed into the nursery and began making sure they had everything in both hospital bags.

"Are you feeling okay baby?" Dean asked as he folded up a couple of onesies they had bought for Jackson.

"Yeah, I'm just a little nervous since I have to have a c-section. I just don't want anything to go wrong." She admitted, folding up some onesies for Payton.

"It's gonna be alright honey. You, Jackson and Payton will be okay. Just don't stress about it. That's not gonna do you or the babies any good." He comforted her, moving over to her and rubbing her back and her huge baby bump. She nodded her head before looking around the nursery, realizing this would be the last time it'd be empty before Jackson and Payton were born. Once they were finished packing, they headed to bed since they'd be up early the next morning to meet up with Bayley and Seth, then going to the hospital and having the twins. 

              The following morning, Sasha and Dean were up at around five in the morning to get the kids up and make sure they had everything they needed and to meet up with Seth and Bayley so they could watch the kids. After getting Colton, Emma and Aria up and ready to go, Sasha and Dean got them in the car and got all the bags in the car before driving to meet up with Bayley and Seth.

"Hey mama bear." Bayley smiled as she saw her friend, fifteen minutes later.

"Hey Bay. You ready to have your hands full with your nieces and nephew?" Sasha joked as Dean got Aria and Emma out of the car, Sasha getting Colton out also.

"Yeah I think Seth and I can handle them. They're little angels anyways." Bayley smiled as she and Seth got the three inside their car.

"Thankfully." Sasha said with a laugh. The four friends then parted off since Dean and Sasha had to head to the hospital so they could start Sasha's labor with Payton and Jackson. Once they arrived to the hospital, they got Sasha settled into her room, giving her some medications to hopefully speed up her labor process and so that way the twins could be born soon.

"Dean, I'm scared." Sasha admitted as she was now three hours into her labor.

"Babygirl it's okay. I'm right here. You and the babies will be safe and healthy." He reassured her.

"I just don't want anything to go wrong." She whispered as a few tears ran down her face.

"Honey, you and those babies are going to be safe and so so healthy. I promise. The doctors are making sure of it. Just breathe beautiful." He reassured her, the two doing a few breathing exercises together to calm her down. An hour later, a few of the doctors had come in to let Sasha and Dean know they were going ahead and going to do the c-section since Payton's heart rate was rising slightly and they wanted the twins and Sasha to be safe. They got Sasha prepped up and ready for surgery as Dean had the scrubs on before they took her back to the OR room.

"You ready beautiful?" Dean asked, crouching down next to Sasha and holding her hand tightly.

"Yeah, I just want them out. I'll feel better once I know they're out." She admitted, taking a deep breath as the doctors had notified them that they were starting the procedure. Just under five minutes, the loud cries of Jackson filled the room, then three minutes later Payton's cries followed in pursuit.

"Are they healthy?" Sasha panicked a little since she hadn't seen the babies yet.

"They are perfectly healthy mama." Her doctor informed her and Dean as they both got emotional, the doctor then placing both Jackson and Payton in each of his arms before walking over to Sasha.

"Oh, my gosh. My babies." Sasha grinned before allowing some more tears to stream down her face.

"They are so beautiful." Sasha said through her tears as Dean placed Payton on her chest carefully. Sasha couldn't take her eyes off of either Payton or Jackson. She was smitten, the same feeling she had when Colton, Emma and Aria were born. They then stitched Sasha's stomach up before taking Sasha back up to her room, then the nurses brought the twins in their little cots.

"They are so gorgeous. Jackson looks like me except he has your color hair and Payton's a spitting of me." Dean grinned, he and Sasha admiring their son and daughter. Jackson had all of Dean's features except for having Sasha's hair color. Payton had Sasha's facial features, but had Dean's hair and eye color.

"I'm so in love with them. We make the cutest babies ever." Sasha giggled.

"That is true. And it's also good that you had a c-section because you'd be a wreck after giving birth to them naturally. Jackson was 9 pounds, 11 ounces and 23 inches long. Payton was 7 pounds, 6 ounces and 21 inches long. They're big babies." He chuckled.

"They are, but that's okay. Now, we're a whole family of seven. No more babies." Sasha gave him a playful look followed by a laugh.

"Agreed." He chuckled.

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