sweet angel baby

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"Hey sweetie, feeling okay?" Sasha asked, seven weeks later. It was July 10th, making Payton exactly thirty nine weeks along with her and Dustin's son. She decided to name their son after his father and grandfather, also knowing he could have Dustin's last name so the baby's full name would be Dustin Ryan Andrews. She was getting a bit impatient since she was so big carrying baby Dustin, but she couldn't wait to meet her son.

"Yeah, I'm just ready to pop." She smiled with a laugh, getting up to throw away her water bottle.

"I bet sweetheart. Just try to get some rest babygirl. He'll come before you know it." Sasha smiled as Payton nodded her head before walking upstairs and going to sleep. Just about
three hours later, barely getting into the day of July 11th, Payton began feeling contractions as she felt nervous. She began timing them since she had to keep track of how far apart they were. Once they got to about ten minutes apart, she carefully walked into Sasha and Dean's room so they could take her to the hospital to have baby Dustin.

"Mom?" Payton asked, tapping Sasha as she and Dean both woke up from hearing their daughter.

"Yeah baby what's wrong?" Sasha asked, rubbing her eyes before putting her glasses on her face to see her daughter clearly.

"I'm having really bad pains in my stomach. I think it might be contractions but I'm not sure." She whimpered as she could feel another one coming on. Sasha then began to feel Payton's baby bump as it was about as hard as a rock and could tell her daughter was having contractions.

"Okay. I'll grab the bag and we'll head out." She smiled as Dean and Sasha got up, Payton beginning to walk downstairs and as soon as she reached the bottom of the floor she felt her water break.

"Dad!" Payton yelled as Dean quickly made his way downstairs.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" He asked, seeing Payton in a state of discomfort and pain she's never been in.

"My water just broke." She said through her tears. Dean then pulled her into his chest, hugging her to try and calm her down.

"Shh, it's okay baby. We're heading out now. It's okay." He whispered, kissing the top of her head before helping her out to the car. Sasha threw the hospital bag in the trunk before getting in the backseat next to Payton while Dean drove to the hospital. Sasha held Payton's hand, calming her down the whole drive before they finally made it to the hospital. They quickly got Payton into a room as she was only one centimeter dilated, so they knew it'd be a long labor. Through the night, Payton slowly dilated as it was about ten in the morning and she was to seven centimeters dilated. Ryan came at around five that morning and Jackson came around seven since Payton had wanted Sasha, Dean, Ryan and Jackson in the room with her when she gave birth to baby Dustin. She also felt relieved when the rest of her siblings had shown up about an hour and a half ago to support her through this.

"Breathe babygirl, you're doing good. Almost there." Sasha sympathetically smiled to Payton as she felt another contraction and it hit her hard. She tried to hold in her screams while breathing slowly as the contraction subsided.

"I just want this to be done." She whimpered as the effects of the labor and her child's father not being with her was hitting her hard.

"You're almost there sweetie. Not much more to go." Sasha tried to calm her daughter down. Payton nodded her head, but she couldn't take her mind off the fact that Dustin wasn't with her to support her through labor and childbirth of their son. She began crying harder the more it hit her.

"Baby what's wrong?" Dean asked, seeing his daughter crying harder than before.

"I want Dustin but he's not here." She said in a staggered breath before everyone felt their hearts break.

"Sis," Jackson whispered before hugging his twin.

"It just fucking sucks. My child's father isn't here especially during the time I need him most. I just wish there was something that would bring him back but he's not coming back." She cried harder as Sasha felt the tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Baby if there was any way any of us could bring him back we'd do it in a heartbeat. I couldn't even begin to imagine what you're going through." Sasha whispered as she held onto Payton's hand.

"I know and that's what hurts most is that nothing's bringing him back and this baby won't know him. I just want him but I can't have him because he's gone." She whispered as Dean wiped away her tears.

"Sweetheart, you two will always be connected by this baby. Wether it's emotionally or spiritually, and in a way physically you will always be connected to him. And I know right now he's looking down on you and wants you to wipe away those tears and be the strong girl he knows you are and be strong for you, for him, and for baby Dustin. We all wish he could be here sweetheart, but in a way he is because you are having your son with Dustin. It won't make sense now or ever as to why Dustin left so soon, but at least you have baby Dustin to help you with this." Ryan comforted Payton as she nodded her head, taking deep breaths to calm down. Four hours later, totaling Payton's labor to thirteen hours she was finally ready to push and she was relieved to say the least. She was ready to meet her son and to have him in her arms.

"Almost there babygirl, one more big push." Sasha encouraged Payton as she had already been pushing for over an hour.

"Oh god." She groaned before beginning to push again as everyone encouraged her before the loud cries of baby Dustin filling the room. As soon as Payton saw her son, she immediately began bawling.

"You did it sis. I'm so proud of you." Jackson smiled, hugging his twin sister carefully.

"You're a very strong girl sweetheart. We're very proud of you." Sasha smiled before kissing Payton's cheek while Dean wiped the sweat off her face. She began freaking out a bit as the nurses took Dustin out of the room.

"Where are they going?" She panicked.

"Sweetie they're just going to clean him up and get his measurements. They're bringing him right back." Dean chuckled a bit with how protective Payton was already getting with baby Dustin. She then nodded her head while the other doctors finished cleaning her up and making sure she was okay. Then just a few moments later, the nurse brought in baby Dustin all cleaned up before carefully placing him on Payton's chest as she began crying harder.

"My sweet angel. You look just like your dad." Payton whispered as she admired baby Dustin's features. He had his dad's dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, nose and lips. He was Dustin's spitting image.

"God he's so beautiful." Sasha smiled as she was admiring her grandson.

"He is. He looks exactly like how his dad did when he was born." Ryan smiled.

"My sweet boy." Payton whispered, not taking her eyes off her son as she began to nurse him. She was in love with her baby boy, who was now her biggest motivation to work even harder for him.

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