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"Baby Emma you are coming out of me one way or another." Sasha said, rubbing her bump. It was the morning of May Twenty-Fifth, and Sasha was nine days overdue with her and Dean's daughter, whom they decided to name Emma Bristol. So, they were inducing Sasha that morning and Colton was with Bayley and Seth until baby Emma was born.

"Honey, you ready to go?" Dean asked as he walked into Emma's nursery to see Sasha in there grabbing the hospital bag and throwing a few extra things in there just incase they needed it.

"Yeah, I'm ready to get this baby out." She laughed before they got into the car and drove to the hospital. Once they got there, they hooked Sasha up to all the machines, and luckily she was already six centimeters dilated so she didn't need much medicine to help her. Five hours later, Sasha was more than relieved to be fully dilated so she could begin pushing.

"There ya go baby, you're doing great." Dean smiled after Sasha had been pushing for about fifteen minutes.

"Is she almost out?" Sasha groaned as she just wanted her daughter out.

"Yep, we can see her head. Keep going mama." Her doctor smiled as Sasha held onto Dean's hand as tight as she could before pushing with all effort for Emma to arrive, and just a short few minutes later the loud cries of their baby girl filled the room as they were both crying of happiness now that their new bundle of joy was healthy and she was here.

"Wow, she's stunning." Sasha smiled as she held baby Emma for the first time after she was all cleaned up.

"She definitely is a mini you baby." Dean grinned, letting Emma grasp into his finger as they noticed all her features, which everything was dead on Sasha from the hair and eye color, skin tone, facial features. She was as beautiful as her mother was.

"She's already a daddy's girl too." Sasha said with a laugh, seeing Emma open and close her eyes, looking up at Dean and smiling.

"Gotta protect my princess." He smiled before a few minutes later Bayley and Seth arrived with little Colton as he was ecstatic to meet his baby sister.

"Daddy!" He cheered, running to Dean.

"Hey little man. You ready to meet your sissy?" He smiled while Colton enthusiastically nodded his head. Dean then carefully sat Colton next to Sasha as he kept looking to Emma.

"She's cute!" He smiled, touching her little hand.

"Do you love her bub?" Sasha smiled to her son, loving to see Colton interested in her.

"Yeah mommy! Sissy's my baby." He said as Sasha and Dean began laughing.

"Okay baby, whatever you say." Sasha smiled before kissing his cheek.

Don't Let Go (Sasha Banks x Dean Ambrose)Where stories live. Discover now