Chapter 3- Fireworks

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“Why are you so happy?” I asked Louis, grinning as well.

“Oh, nothing. I have just noticed that Harry and Gaby are getting on really well, and they just met each other.” He said cheekily.

“Oh,She absolutely adores him.”  I said, giggling.

“Yeah? Harry thinks Gaby is cute. He told me himself. Right when he saw her, he whispered, '10!', meaning she's quite fit." his smile became at least twice as large now.

Niall came to sit next to me. He came closer and whispered in my ear “You really do have the cutest laugh I've ever heard.” I just smiled at him.

“Thanks. You have nice eyes.” I responded making his cheeks go bright red.

“Thank you, love.”

I responded to him by slightly nodding my head at him. Moments later, I said, “Hey Gaby! Shouldn’t the fireworks at Navy Pier be starting soon?”

“Oh yeah! Look, they should be over there.” She said pointing towards Navy Pier.

We all turned our bodies to where the fireworks were going to begin. “Whoa!” we all said once the fireworks started. Niall scooted even closer to me, and then put his arm around my shoulders. I cuddled into his chest and looked up into his eyes. His eyes twinkled in the moonlight. He looked down at me and winked flirtatiously. He then intertwined our fingers and we sat there looking up at the sky until the fireworks were over. I yawned and looked at my phone. It was about 10:30.

“Gaby, we should be getting home, yeah?” I asked.

“Yeah I guess.” Gaby said looking disappointed.

“How long are you guys here?” I asked the boys.

“Oh we’re on break after the concert so we’re going to be here for a few weeks, depending on if we have any photo shoots or signings or something. Later, we’re all going back to our flat in England.” Niall said.

“Oh. Where are you staying now, then?” I asked.

“I’m not sure. Harry was supposed to make reservations. Harry?” he asked, turning his full attention to the curly-haired boy.

“Uh. Here’s the thing, lads. I… kind of forgot to… make reservations.” Harry answered guiltily.

“Harry! What made you to forget?” Liam asked. "We told you weeks in advance to start looking for a hotel because our manager is off on vacation."

“It just slipped my mind! I’m sorry.” Harry said sheepishly.

“Well I guess we’ll stay at a motel then.” Louis said. "Until we find a hotel, that is."

“Well, we have plenty of extra room in our house if you like.” I suggested, realizing how idiotic it must have sounded once it came out. Of course they weren't going to want to stay with us; they just met us. For all they know, we could be some crazed fans that will lock them in our basement, even though we're the farthest thing from it.

“Oh, you don’t have to do that.” Niall said.

“I know, we want to.” Gaby piped in with a genuine smile.

I was then remembering Niall's words at the juice bar. I looked into those gorgeous blue eyes with hope that they would accept my offer. "Yeah, we want to." I agreed.

“What do you think lads?” Zayn asked.

“Sure,” they all said at the same time as they grinned happily, much to my surprise.

"It's the best we can get." Liam added.

I smiled, relief washing through me, knowing that they don't believe that I'm a psychotic fangirl.

After our short discussion of car arrangements, Gaby and I hopped into her car as the boys got into their car. They followed us as we drove the short distance home. (external link for what the house looks like)

We got inside of our house, helping the guys lug their bags in. We settled down in the living room and relaxed on the couch for a bit.

Then, Gaby, being the worrier that she is, worried about the sleeping arrangements and said, “Alright! Who’s sleeping where?”

 “OK, Harry and Louis can sleep in the two beds in our room, Zayn in your mom’s room, and  Liam and Niall in my cousin's  and sister's room upstairs.” I announced.

“Where will you sleep?” Harry asked us.

“We’ll sleep on the couches in the family room,” I said.

“No. This is your house. I’ll sleep on the couch. Niall said.

“No. You’re the guest. We’ll sleep on the couches,” I protested. "And besides, if it's a pullout couch anyways. So we'll be fine." I smiled.

“Fine. But if you’re uncomfortable, just wake me,” Niall said.

“Don’t worry,” I assured. “I’m going to watch a movie, if anyone wants to watch with me,” I said.

"Yeah!" they all cheered.

I've just come to realize how unrealistic this is. One Direction is staying in my house and we're about to atch movies together. I'd never thought in a million years that something like this would happen to me.

A/N: Look at the picture at the right for what Gaby AKA Naya Rivera looks like.

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