Chapter 98- Project Lini

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I woke up the next morning, in Niall’s arms.

He held onto me, tightly, making me feel protected and safe. His face was centimeters from mine and I could feel his hot breath on my neck, sending chills down my spine. His bare chest was pressed up against my back as his muscular arm was wrapped around my waist.

I turned my body so I was face to face with him. I gave his nose a little peck. I was about to remove his arm from my body so I could get up, but I wasn't able to; he's too strong.

His grasp on my waist was too tight and he was trapping me.

“You’re not getting away from me that easily,” he stated with his eyes still closed.

I stopped struggling to get out and relaxed. “Clearly,” I responded, giving a small giggle.

He kissed my forehead and loosened his grip on me.

I got out of bed and walked past the full-length mirror by the door. I glanced at it just to see how I looked, but I gasped loudly.

“What’s the matter?” Niall asked.

When he saw my shirt, he knew exactly what the matter was.

“Jasmine,” he gasped.

“Can you go get my bandages?” I asked hurriedly.

I had bled through my shirt; I bled right through the bandages and everything. I had to change my bandages every so often so this wouldn’t happen, but I guess I forgot to last night. I grabbed an outfit to put on so I could get out of these filthy clothes. I chose a loose shirt so you couldn’t tell I had bandages on (external link).

I went into the bathroom to clean myself up. I stripped free of my pajama shirt, leaving me standing in my bra.

I slowly unwrapped my bandages as painlessly as I could.

Niall walked in with my medical kit. “Jasmine,” he gasped, and couldn’t say anything else.

At first I was confused, but I simply followed his gaze down to my ribs, where the wound was exposed.

I turned around so he wouldn’t have to see it; it was a healing gash with gross stitches. It was hideous, but luckily, the scar wasn’t going to be there forever. Once it heals, it’ll be gone for good.

I cleaned the dried blood away with a wet rag. I turned around to face him and asked, “Can I have my bandages?”

“Do you want me to put them on?” he asked.

I shook my head slowly. “No, you don't have to do that."

“Babe, I’ll put them on for you. It wouldn’t make me uncomfortable or anything.”

I sniffled. “Niall, my scar is so ugly. I don't want you to see it.” I whispered, looking down at my feet.

He lifted up my chin with his hand. “You don’t have to hide anything from me, babe, ever. You’re beautiful in every way possible. Your face, your body, your heart, and even your scar; it’s all beautiful.”

There was a moment of complete silence.

“Can I please put your bandages on?” he asked after a few seconds of quiet.

I hesitated, but slowly nodded.

He started wrapping me in the white gauze bandage, and I winced in pain.

A single tear roll down my face, due to the agony I was in.

“I’m sorry, love. I’m so sorry.” He whispered his apologies, not wanting to meet my pain-filled eyes.

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