Chapter 82- Oakland

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Finally, when we were done talking, we went into the dining area, where everyone was sitting anxiously.

“Hi,” I greeted softly, sitting down next to Niall.

He was nervously playing with his hands and fidgeting around in his seat. “Hi,” he responded in more of a whisper.

“Can I talk to you, please?” I practically begged.

He nodded and everyone took it as their cue and got up and went to their rooms.

“Niall, I’m sorry I did what I did. I felt like I wasn’t enough for you. With everyone telling me I was fat and useless, I started to believe it, but I’ll try to stop. Zayn made me a deal and he said that if I stopped, he would-”

He cut me off. He cupped the back of my neck in his hand and pressed his lips against mine ever so softly. He deepened the kiss and put his hand on the small of my back.

I put my arms around his neck, bringing him in closer to me. I thought he would be mad at me, and that he'd even stop loving me for what I did.

When we pulled away for air, he looked right into my eyes. “I know what Zayn said, and I know what his deal to you was. I’m just glad you agreed to it and that you're trying to stop. I’m so proud of you. Everything that I tweeted was true.” He whispered in my ear.

I didn’t say anything, just pulled him into a huge hug, as if to say 'Thank you for being there for me.' “I love you.” I stated. “Thank you for supporting me."

Right as he was about to say something, we jerked in our seats as the tour bus came to a stop.

“Oakland, here we come!” I heard Harry say, coming out of his room with his bags at hand.

I gave a small smile to Niall as we got up to get into the hotel.

Niall went to the back and grabbed both of our bags.

“I can take my bag.” I said.

“No, it’s fine. I got it.” He stated.

Harry got back on the bus after putting his bags away, and went into his room and grabbed Gaby’s stuff. “Are you coming, Jazz?” He asked, smiling warmly at me.

“Yeah, I’m coming.” I grabbed my purse and followed Harry into the hotel.

“Are you ok, babe?” He asked, giving me a concerned look/

“Yeah, I’m fine now, thanks, Harry.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I’m positive. I’m stopping whatever I was doing because I know it’s not good, and not only was it hurting me, but everyone else, too.” I sighed.

“Good, I’m glad to hear it.”

I smiled thankfully at him. Then, I went and caught up with Niall, who had grabbed our room key.

“Where’s our room?” I asked.

“It's upstairs; we got the biggest room out of anyone. That’s what happens when you arrive at the desk before any of the other guys.” He spoke, smiling widely.

I giggled. “Lucky us, then.” I helped Niall put our bags on one of the luggage carts, and then we got into the surprisingly empty elevator.

Our room was on the top level, and once the elevator doors opened, I saw a huge pair of French doors in front of us.

Niall opened the door with the room key, and I think my jaw dropped all the way to the floor.

It was huge! There were luxurious white couches in the lounging area, a gigantic kitchen with a marble counter-top, a small game room with a PlayStation 4, Xbox 720, and some arcade games, and when I opened another set of French doors, there a humongous bedroom with a walk-in closet, a bathroom with a Jacuzzi, and a bed bigger than one I’ve ever seen.

“Is this all for us?” I asked, still amazed.

“Yes, for an entire week.” Niall answered, grabbing onto my waist. He turned my body around and pressed his forehead against mine. He leaned in slowly, parting his lips.

I did the same and our lips met, sedning tingles and fireworks throughout my body.

He kissed me passionately there in the middle of the lounge room.

How did I get so lucky as to have an amazing boyfriend like him?

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