Chapter 5- Good Morning, Sunshine!

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The next morning, I woke up, still in Niall’s arms. I still can’t believe that all that happened in just one day.

I looked around the room to see everyone still asleep.

Niall was lovely when he was asleep, just as he was when he was awake. (in case it wasn't obvious, Niall is my favorite member of One Direction)

Gaby and Harry were cuddled up with some blankets, sleeping on the floor.  Louis was right; they’re totally getting on really well together, in such a short period of time, too.

I got up and went to the bathroom downstairs in the family room/basement, not wanting to wake anyone. I took a quick shower; blow dried my hair and put on my clothes (picture at the right). Then, I went upstairs and into the kitchen to make breakfast. I started making pancakes and bacon, the aroma filling my nose as heat rose from the stove and onto my face. After breakfast was done, I put it on some plates and set the table up. Then, I poured some orange juice in some glasses. Finally, I went into the living room to wake everyone up. It was almost 11:00 so I’m surprised nobody was up. I started by waking up Gaby. I stood hovering over her, then grabbed a pillow and simply dropped it on her face. We have that sort of cruel humor towards each other; we're the meanest people in the world to one another, but we mean well and just laugh about everything.

She was startled and taken by surprise.

“Wake up, sleepyhead.” I said giggling. “Can you wake up Harry? Breakfast is ready.”

She groaned. “Harry,” she whisper-shouted. He wouldn’t budge. “Harry, breakfast is ready,” she said in a soothing voice. He woke up with a smile on his face, looking up at her. He rubbed his eyes and grinned wider.

“Good morning,” Harry said in a husky voice.

“Good morning to you too,” Gaby said simpered.

“Niall, wake up.” I whispered, slightly shaking him and nudging his shoulder. He didn’t budge, so I went on to the next person.

“Liam, I made breakfast, if you’d like” I said gently shaking his shoulder.

“Hello.” He whispered, looking dazed.

“Hi,” I said giggling slightly. “I made breakfast if you want any.”

Liam blinked a few times, focusing his gaze on me. “Thank you for everything, Jasmine” Liam said, smiling at me.

“No problem.” I said, smiling.

I moved towards Zayn and Louis. “Zayn, Louis. I made breakfast for you.” I said sweetly. Louis looked up at me, smiling like an idiot. “What’s so funny?” I asked.

“Nothing. Just dreaming... There was a horse, a bird, and a Pegasus. They were all in a gang and started singing Mariah Carey songs. It was some dream,” He replied, and I couldn't help but laugh. He looked over at Zayn, who was still sleeping. He kicked him in the shins playfully. “Zayn,” Louis said. Zayn looked up at Louis.

“What is it, Louis?” Zayn asked, covering his face with his arm.

“Jasmine made us breakfast.” Louis answered.

Zayn rubbed his eyes and ran a hand through his raven-colored hair.

“You guys, I can’t wake up Niall.” I said walking over towards him.

“Oh here: Niall, we’re going to eat without you!” Harry yelled out.

“I’m up! I’m up!” Niall said sitting up. Gaby and I were laughing so hard. Now I know how to wake him up, and I shan't make the same mistake twice.

“I made pancakes, muffins, waffles, bacon, toast, sausage, grapes, and sliced strawberries,” I said listing off everything I cooked for breakfast. ”And we have orange juice, apple juice, water, banana milkshakes, and milk. Come on!” I said. Like my mother, I loved to cook, if it weren't completely obvious. And, as she says, 'the best way to a man's heart is through his stomach.'

*After breakfast*

“Thank you Jasmine, everything was great!” Louis said.

“No problem, you guys,” I said with a smile on my face.

“Do you want to do anything today?” Harry asked.

“Downtown,” Gaby yelled.

“Yeah!” the guys said together.

“Downtown it is!” I said.

“I’ll drive!” Louis said, grabbing his car keys.

This should be a fun time.

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