Chapter 21- A Day Off

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Today, the boys had a day off. We were planning on going to the beach but it started raining. So we were just going to stay home and relax.

“Hey, you guys wanna go see a movie?” Louis asked everyone.

“Sure, let me just get dressed.” I said, since I was lounging around the house in my pajamas. I went up to my room and got dressed (external link).

I went back downstairs and saw everyone waiting for me.

Everybody stood up and headed out the door.

Niall linked my hand with his. “Hey beautiful,” he whispered as he quickly pecked my cheek.

“Hi. What movie are we going to see?” I asked, as we walked towards the car.

“Grown Ups 2,” he said.

“Great! I really wanted to see that. Adam Sandler is so funny,” I voiced.

 “Yeah he is.” I could see Niall’s smile fading. “Jasmine? Why do you like me?”

I stopped dead in my tracks.

Well that was random.

I turned my body to face him.

He was looking down at his feet, but I picked up his chin and stared into his gorgeous blue orbs.

“I like you because you don’t let anyone influence you. You’re your own person, and I love that about you. You’re beautiful inside and out. You’re the sweetest person I’ve ever met. You understand me?”

He hugged me and buried his face in my hair. “Thank you, Jasmine. You always know what to say.” Then he said something else that I wasn’t expecting: “You’re perfect.”

“Niall, I’m not perfect. Nobody’s perfect.” I said.

“If you’re not perfect, then you’re the closest thing to it.”

“Thanks, Niall.” I said smiling. I felt my cheeks go hot.

“Come on! We haven’t got all day!” Louis yelled from inside the car.

Niall and I started walking again, hand in hand. I smiled up at him and vise versa.

When we were at the movie theater, we took our seats right away, not wanting to get mobbed by fans, even though we were all wearing diguises.

I sat next to Niall and we held hands the entire time. We were both cracking up the entire movie.

When the movie ended, we headed back home.


“Who wants to play hide and seek?!” Louis exclaimed.

We all looked at each other, confused, but agreed.

“Ok! I’ll count!” Liam said. “But I’m only counting to forty, so you better hide fast. 1, 2, 3…” We all ran to go find our hiding places. I ran into the closest bedroom and hid under the bed. “Ready or not! Here I come!” I heard footsteps coming upstairs. "Shit," he cursed, and I heard a huge thump. He must have tripped over something, and I had to stifle a laugh.

“Hey,” I heard someone whisper.

I turned my body and saw that Niall was also hiding here. I smiled at him. "Hey this is my hiding spot," I whspered jokingly. Our faces were extremely close and I could feel his warm breath fan over my face.

Niall looked into my eyes and then took a quick glance at my lips. Then, he leaned in closer and softly placed his soft lips against mine. He pulled away momentarily and smiled.

“How was that for a first kiss?” He asked in a hushed tone.

I looked at him confused.

“Wasn’t that your first kiss? That’s what you told me in the bathroom.”

I looked away. This is awkward. I looked back at him and shook my head slowly. I just didn't want to lie to him. 

“No? Then who was it?” He asked me.

“It was… Liam.” I managed to croak out.

Niall’s face got red with anger. He pulled himself out from under the bed and I heard the door open and close.

Aw man. What have I done?     

Is this what you get for being honest?

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