Chapter 34- The Truth Comes Out

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Niall texted everyone saying he found me so everyone met us at the park. The first thing that happened was Gaby attacked me in a huge hug.

“Jasmine!” she cried out, burying her head in my hair. “Don’t ever run away like that ever again, understand? I was so worried.” Her tears dripped onto my neck.

“I’m sorry. I just had to get away.”

“I know,” she said pulling away. She turned her body towards Niall. “And you,” she growled, going towards him, pointing a shameful finger. “How dare you cheat on her again? She doesn’t deserve to be treated that way! She deserves respect and love. Did you even think about how this might affect her? Or were you just not thinking at all?” She was extremely close to Niall now, up in his face.

She was getting scarily close, that Harry went up behind her and grabbed her by her waist. He pulled her away from us, and grabbed her face in his hands, talking sense into her.

Finally, she came back and I could she that she was furious, but she was trying to kepp a calm stance.

“Gaby, all that I said back at the house was true. I didn’t kiss back. I wouldn’t do that to Jasmine, or Liam. Liam’s my best mate; I would never steal his girl like that!” Niall responded.

“Well. How do we know for sure that you aren’t lying?”

“Let’s go back to the house and talk to Danielle about it, then.”

“If you're so confident,” Gaby spat.

I couldn’t help but stare at Liam, who dragged behind everyone else. He must be just as heartbroken as I am, if not, worse. He did spend three years with her, after all.

“Liam,” I said, grabbing his arm.

He didn’t look up from the ground.

“Liam, look at me.” I begged quietly.

He looked up at my eyes.

“I know you’re hurting right now. I know how it feels. We’re going to go talk to Danielle now to see what really happened, ok? I’ll be with you the entire time. If you need to talk about it, just know I’m here for you, always.”

He nodded his head, thankfullly.

I pulled him in for a hug until finally we oulled away.  

He looked down at my face, then his eyes went wide. "What happened to your neck?" he asked loudly.

Everybody's attention shifted over to me.

Niall stomped toward me and furiously pushed my hair out of the way. His eyes fixed on the mark that was left by the guy. "That son of a bitch! I should go back there and tear his head off." He grumbled, pacing back and forth, running his hand through his dirty blonde hair.

"What the hell happened?" Louis yelled.

"It's nothing, you guys. I'm fine," I lied.

"She's not fine," Niall started. "She almost got-" he couldn't finish because he was so mad.

"Almost got what?" Gaby asked.

"I'm fine." I argued, even though I was still extremely shaken up.

"Almost. Got. What?" Gaby separated each word.

I huffed and tears brimmed my eyes. "Raped! Ok? I almost got raped!" I screamed, going into hysterics, remembering the horrible moment. I covered my eyes, not wanting anybody to see me crying.

"Jasmine," I heard Gaby start. "I'm sorry." She placed a hand on my shoulder and kissed my forehead. "I didn't-"

"I know you didn't know." I cut her off harshly. "Let's just go home and get this shit over with. We have to talk to Danielle."


We drove off and got to the house.

Gaby barged in there with everyone at her heels. “Danielle!” She yelled. Gaby was infuriated. I’ve never seen her so angry before.

“Yes? How can I help you?” Danielle said, coming out of the kitchen as if nothing happened.

“Don’t act stupid. Why did you kiss Niall?”

She sighed and rolled his eyes. “He deserves better than this bitch,” she said, pointing to me. “I could give him what he deserves. Niall and I were made for each other.”

This chick was seriously crazy. She had Liam! All of a sudden, she decides that's not what she wants? She's barbaric.

“What? Honey, please. Can’t you see that Niall likes Jasmine? They’re together and you aren’t going to be the one to ruin their relationship, got it?” Gaby demanded.

“Whatever. I have you, right Liam?” she said in a sickly sweet voice, getting closer to him. She put her arms around his neck and batted her eyelashes.

I squeezed Liam’s hand, feeling my blood boil.

Liam looked over at me.

I finally exploded. “Are you insane, Danielle?” I yelled rhetorically.

Liam let go of my hand and I looked up at him. He not-so-gently tore Danielle's arms off of him. “She’s right, Danielle. You wasted three years of my life. You thought I’d come crawling back? Did I really mean nothing to you? Was I just a way to get to my best mate? Hm?”

“No. Boo, I just-“

“Don’t call me boo. I don’t want you staying here anymore.”

“What?” She asked in shock.

“You heard me. Go stay somewhere else. I don’t know or care where you go. I’ll even pay for a motel if you need, just get out.”

“Fine, I don’t need you anyways.” She rushed upstairs and grabbed her bags. She started marching out but turned around to look at Liam as if there were hope he’d take her back.

I stopped her. “Danielle,” I started.

“What?” She hissed.

“Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.” I said, smirking. Everyone smiled as I waved to her. “Bye, now.”

She huffed and left.

“I’m sorry Liam. You deserve way better than her.” I whispered, hugging him.   

“It’s not your fault. How were you supposed to know that she would cheat like that?”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Just know that you’ll find someone else; someone better.”

A/N: Dramatized!! Ok, so I kept asking this question to my friends at school. In science, we had like a 20 minute discussion about it, not even kidding. So here's the question: Would you rather have a bunny-sized elephant or an elephant-sized bunny?! Personally, I would want the bunny-sized elephant because, first off, imagine how adorable that'd be! And secondly, if you had an elephant-sized bunny, imagine how big those flees would be!! And you'd get lost in it's fur. So comment, stating your answer to this random question. Comment, vote and fan! :)

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