Chapter 27- Danielle

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Today is the day that Danielle is coming. Liam is really excited that she’s staying with us and he hasn't shut up about it since he found out.

I quickly took a shower and put on my clothes (external link). We were finally heading to the airport to pick up Danielle. We all piled into Louis’ car and left, but Liam was jumping with excitement in his seat.

We got to the airport and within 20 minutes of walking and searching, Liam pointed out Danielle.

“Danielle!” Liam called out, running to her and giving her an enormous hug.

“Liam! I missed you so much!” she exclaimed.

Then, Liam pecked her lips. “I missed you too!” They shared a passionate kiss and hugged for what seemed like an eternity.

I looked over at Niall and my smile kind of faltered. When will our relationship be that happy?

Finally, they walked over to us.

“Danielle, you know the boys." Liam started, "this is Jasmine and Gaby. They’re friends of ours and they're staying with us for the summer.”

“It’s so nice to meet you!” Danielle said, hugging me. Then, she whispered something in my ear. “Stay away from Liam.”

I didn’t know what to say. I just stood there. "It's nice to meet you too." I hesitated.

“Well, are we going back to the house now?” She asked, walking over to Liam and grabbing his hand.

“Yeah, let’s go,” Liam said, grabbing her bags.

We got into the car and drove home.

I could already tell that I didn’t like Danielle. I’ll try giving her a chance, but my guard is always going to be up, because I really didn't appreciate that rude comment.

Right when we got home, I dragged Gaby to my room. She sat down on my bed and looked mad.

“What’s the matter, Gaby?”

“Danielle. She told me to stay away from Liam.”

“She told me the same thing. If she knew anything, it’d be that I’m dating Niall and you’re dating Harry.”

“Yeah, and we aren’t even planning on ‘getting with Liam’,” she said, using air quotes.

I bit down on my lip. “Yeah, come on. Let’s go downstairs before they start wondering where we are.”

We went downstairs and saw Danielle and Liam cuddled up on the couch. I sat down on the floor with Niall, who was surrounded by pillows and blankets.

Then Danielle shot me a dirty look.

I was so confused. What did I ever do to her? Oh, well. I won’t let her get to me. I cuddled up to Niall’s side.

“Jasmine, can I talk to you?” Niall whispered.

I nodded my head and he led me to the kitchen. I wondered what he had to talk to me about.

“What’s up, Niall?” I asked.

“Um, I was wondering if you’d like to come with me to my mum’s house next week. I’d like you to meet her. I’m spending a few days there in Ireland and it'll be the last time I see her for a long time.”

“Sure, I‘d like that.” I smiled warmly.

He sighed in relief. “Thank you Jasmine. I was really nervous about asking you.”

“You shouldn’t be. I want you to feel comfortable around me.” I stated.

He hugged me. “I have a feeling she will really like you.”

“I hope so.” I said, nervously.

“I know so.” He said.

We walked back into the living room, resuming watching the movie.

I was so nervous about meeting Niall’s mom. What if she doesn’t like me? I’m not charming, pretty, famous, or special in any way. I'm just ordinary.

I got up after the movie finished and kissed Niall goodnight. Then, I went into my room to pack for next week, but I was stressing over it and dreading the day to come.

A/N: No hating on Danielle, please! She only plays the jerk in my story. I highly doubt she’d really be that mean. I totally ship Payzer.

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