Chapter 37- Meeting at the Airport

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On the airplane, I sat by the window. I looked outside and was almost jumping with excitment. I can’t wait to see my family again.

Niall came and sat beside me after putting our luggage away. He grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes.

“So, do you think your parents will like me?” he asked.

I haven’t really put much thought into that. “Yeah, definitely.” I said, confidently smiling. I could already tell that he and my dad were so much alike, so they would definitely get along.


When we finally landed, my mom was there at the airport waiting for us to arrive. Her eyes lit up and a huge smile lit up on her face.

“Mom!” I squealed, running up to her for a huge hug.

“Jazz! I miss you so much.” She said, embracing me in her arms. “Where’s Gaby?” she asked when she finally pulled away.

“She’s coming. She’s just waiting up with the guys.”

“Oh, I can’t wait to meet them!” She seemed really excited. I love my mom and I could talk to her about anything, especially boys, and she would suddenly transform into a teenage girl. “How about you and Niall? How are you two doing?” she asked, smiling widely.

“We’re good. How’s everyone else?”

“Good. Isabelle can’t wait to see you, but I think her and Alison are even more excited to be meeting One Direction, no offense,” she said, laughing.

I chuckled. "None taken. I'd be excited too- er- I was excited." I corrected.

“Is that them?” My mom voiced, asking about the boys heading our way.

I saw Gaby's short figure peek out from behind them. "Yeah, that’s them.” They finally caught up to us and Gaby shared a warm hug with my mom.

“Hi, how are you?” My mom asked Gaby.

“We're great, but we really missed you." Gaby answered, and then turned towards the boys.

“Mom, these are the guys, AKA, One Direction. That’s Harry, Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Niall.” I intorduced, pointing to each of the guys. I stood next to Niall, holding his hand. I could tell he was nervous to meet my parents because he was tensed up. I gently squeezed his hand, reassuring him and smiling sweetly at him.

“It’s nice to meet you all! Especially you, Niall,” My mom said, overly-enthused.

Niall stuck his hand out for my mom to take. “Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Garcia.” He said, smiling.

My mom shook his hand and then pulled him into a huge hug. When she let go, Niall stood up straight and smiled down at my mom.

"Oh, you guys don't have to call me by my last name; Mrs. Garcia is my mother-in-kaw. I'm Leslie Abdullah, but you can call me Leslie if you'd like."

"Thank you, Leslie." Zayn said.

“Your mom is very welcoming,” Niall whispered in my ear, .

“Yeah, if that's what you want to call it." I laughed. "I can’t wait for you to meet my dad. You and he are so much alike, I know you’ll get along well.” I stated, smiling.

“Me too. He sounds like he’s great.”

I nodded.

“So! Should we head home, then?” My mom asked, excitedly. Her long brown hair was flowing down her back as she waved down a guy in a cart to come get our bags.

“Yeah, is everyone there?” I asked.

“Just Isabelle, your dad, and Alison. Everyone else is out. We've been really busy. There was a bad storm so they're out looking for work.” she whispered the last part in my ear. "Luckily, our area wasn't hit nearly as bad as, say, Springfield."


We got in my mom's black Cadillac Escalade and started heading home.

I really can’t wait for Niall to meet my dad. I just know that they’ll be compatible and get along.

A/N: Hi!!! I just wanted to say thanks for reading this far if you have. I really appreciate it. Please comment, vote, and fan! P.S. Look at the picture at the right for what Mrs. Garcia looks like, played by Darine Hamze

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