Chapter 17- After Party

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Louis drove us all back to the flat. When we got back, I ran inside and went to the room I was staying in. I got dressed in something comfortable (picture at the right) and put my hair in a messy bun. I picked up my wallet, and then I went out and told everyone to get in some comfortable clothes. I grabbed a picnic blanket from a nearby closet and my iPhone from my bag.

When they came out, I asked them “Do you guys have a park around here? Or a forest or something?”

They all looked at me like I was crazy. Then, Liam said “There’s a park a few blocks from here, why?”

This is perfect! “Can we drive there now?” They all nodded. “And can we also go to the grocery store really quick?”

“Sure. What do you have in mind?” Louis asked, bewildered.                             

I was grinning ear to ear. “Well let’s go, and you’ll find out soon.” I said.

“We trust you,” Niall said jokingly.

“Thank you. Now come on!” I said dragging everyone to the car.

We got to the grocery store and went inside. It was practically empty except for a few people, but then again, who's going to be at a drugstore at 12 in the morning?

I headed right to the snack isle with everyone at my heels. I grabbed all of my favorites: chocolate covered peanuts, gummy worms, chips (or crisps, as they say in England), cookies, sodas, M & M’s, and stuff like that. Then, I went to the register and put everything on the belt. I pulled out the money and handed it to the cashier, grabbing the bags of snacks.

We all headed to the car as I carried all the junk food in my arms.

Niall came up beside me and grabbed a few things as we continued walking.. "I've never seen such a short person with so much energy," he chuckled.

"I'm not that short," I retorted, "I'm 5'."

"And I'm 5'7". Face it, Jasmine: you're short." he laughed again.

I playfully punched his shoulder.

We got into the car and Louis started driving towards the park. “What are we doing?” he asked.

“Wait and you’ll see!” I said.

He groaned. “Why are you so secretive?”

"It’s no fun when you’re an open book.” I said, smiling. “Now focus on driving!” I said playfully.

We finally arrived at the park and I spread the picnic blanket on the ground. I laid out the snacks onto the blanket, and then, I started swinging on one of the swings on the playground.

“What are you doing?” Harry asked, looking up at me.

I just closed my eyes and let the wind hit my face and blow my hair back, as I swung back and forth.

“Letting loose.” I answered, simply. “You guys should try it sometime.” I joked. Then, I opened my eyes and saw them all grabbing a seat on a swing.

Then, I jumped off of the swing in midair, landing perfectly on my feet. I ran towards the slides and slid down the biggest one. Then, I ran towards the blanket and opened the bag of gummy worms. I took a handful of them and put one in my mouth.

Niall came and sat beside me on the blanket.

“Want one?” I asked him, holding one in between my fingers.

He opened his mouth, hinting me to feed it to him.

I threw it at his forehead and smiled at him.

He gave me a confused look. "What was that for?" he asked.

"I missed." I said innocently, even though I did it on purpose.

"Yeah, sure you did." he stated sarcastically and smiled at me.

“Here; throw some chocolate peanuts at me and see how many I catch in my mouth.” I said.

He threw some to me and I caught every single one.

“Yeah!” I exclaimed in excitement. "Now that's true talent right there."

“My turn.” He said.

I took some gummy bears in my hand, ready to aim at Niall. Then, I threw three at him at once. I laughed at his shocked expression. “You didn’t even catch one!” I said.

"That's it!" he joked. He attacked me in a huge hug, making me lay down on my back. He then lay down beside me.

I giggled and pushed some hair out of my face.

Niall sat up, but I continued to lay down on the ground.

“What are you doing?” He whispered to me, seeing me stare up at the sky.

“Staring up at the stars. They’re beautiful,” I answered.

“You’re beautiful,” he said to me.

I looked over at him, and stared right into his deep blue marbles. What he said just about made me melt. “Thanks,” I said, blushing and smiling. I stood up and held my hand out for him to grab. When he stood up, I let my hand linger, and then I dropped his hand. “Catch me if you can!” I yelled out as I was running away from him.

He laughed, then came jogging after me.

I was running at a steady pace through the empty field, but I started to slow and Niall caught up with me, picking me up and crashing onto the ground with me on top of him.

"I got you," he stated with a grin crawling upon his features.

"Yeah, you do." I said, sighing. He really did have me. Not only did he physically have me in his arms, but I was pretty sure he had me emotionally and romantically. As cheesy as it sounds, I think I really was falling for the Irish boy, even if he isn't falling for me.

 A/N: I personally LOVE the outfit!!! There's a picture at the right side and I think it looks awesome!! It's something I'd wear!!! Anywho... Thanks for reading!!! Btw... If you haven't noticed, I am a really random person!! Anyways, vote, comment, and fan!!! xx

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