Chapter 19- Real First Kiss

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The next day, the boys had their interview with Sugarscape. I wasn’t going with them because I had a  massive headache.

“You don’t have to stay here by yourself. I’ll stay here with you,” Gaby said, disappointed.

“No it’s fine. Go ahead with the guys.” I assured, smiling.

“Are you sure?”

“Positive. Now go,” I said jokingly, shooing her out the door.

“I’ll stay here with you,” Niall said.

I slightly chuckled. "You're crazy. It’s your interview. You can’t miss it,” I said.

“It’s fine. All interviews ask the same questions: 'who are you dating?' and 'how's the tour?'. Besides; we’ve already done plenty of interviews with Sugarscape. They can survive one without me.”

I finally agreed. "I just hope you know, I’ll be sleeping half the time,” I said, giggling.

“Ok. Then I can play with your hair, and I’ll make you tea.” He said smiling.

I laughed along with him, but it made my headache worse. “Do you have any aspirin?”

“Yeah, hold on.” He said, getting up off the couch to go get the medicine. He came back with a pill and a glass of water.

I thanked him and took the medication.

When the rest of the boys left, we did exactly like Niall said.

I lay down on the couch, my head resting on Niall’s lap, watching TV. The entire time, he was playing with my hair and we would talk through commercials.

The boys came back about two hours later, and I was feeling a lot better by then.

“Hey guys,” I said, jumping up off the couch.

“Well, I see you’re feeling better.” Harry said in a joking way.

“Much better, thank you. Hey! Who wants ice cream?”

They all nodded their heads and followed me into the kitchen. We got out the ice cream, whipped cream, chocolate syrup, sprinkles, and every other ice cream topping in the house.

I was trying to get the syrup open, but the top just wouldn't come off. I sqeezed the bottle as I popped off the cap and I accidentally squirted it on Louis.

“Oh, my gosh, I’m so sorry, Lou.” I apologized.

As I did this, he gave me a devious smirk. Then, he squirted me on the face with the caramel topping. “It’s ok, now we’re even.” he stated.

“What?!” I said squirting more on him. I laughed and everyone else joined the food fight.

Zayn smashed ice cream on Liam's face and he looked insanely ridiculous, but it was hiarious.

Niall sprayed whipped cream in my hair and I dumped more chocolate syrup on his head. He and I really got into it. He chased me around the kitchen until trapping me by a wall. He leaned against the wall, putting both hands by the sides of my head. He slowly started leaning in, and I realized he was going to kiss me.

I felt my chest tighten. Then, I escaped him and ran into my room. I felt terrible for abandoning Niall like that as I sat on my bed, face-palming..

A little while after, I heard a knock on the door.

“Come in,” I said quietly. To my surprise, Liam stepped in.

“Why did you run away when Niall tried to kiss you?” He asked me. "And yes, I did see it."

I sighed. “I’m worried that I’ll be a disappointment and won’t do it right.” I said sheepishly.

“Haven't you had your first kiss?” He asked, surprised.

I shook my head.

“Well, I’ll be your first kiss if you’d like.”

I looked at him oddly. Then I said, “but won’t it be awkward?”

“No. Only if we make it awkward.” He stated.

I hesitantly nodded my head. Then, we started leaning in. Finally, I felt my lips touch his. We lingered there for about ten seconds until I barely opened my mouth.

Liam took it a passageway to scavenge my mouth.

I pulled away, not comfortable with the feeling of French kissing.

“See, that wasn't bad at all. And now you know how to do it,” He said, smiling.

He's right; it wasn't bad. Who in the world get to say that a world famous singer was their first kiss? Not many. “Thank you, Liam.” I said giving him a hug.

“Now let’s go back out there, yeah?”

I nodded my head.

He grabbed my hand and led me out of the room and into the kitchen where everyone was cleaning themselves off and making small talk.

I went right up to Niall to apologize. “Can I talk to you?” I asked him.

He nodded, sighing.

I took his hand and lead him to my room. “I’m sorry I pulled away but-" I started, but he cut me off.

“I understand. You just don’t like me that way.” He said starting to walk away but I grabbed his hand.

“What? No it’s not that-" He cut me off again.

“Look, you don’t have to make up any excuses. I said I understand. You probably like someone else who isn-" I cut him off by cupping one hand on the back of his neck and putting the other over his mouth.

I probably look like a kidnapper right now, in the position I'm in. But this boy really need to let me talk.

A/N: Sorry for the sucky ending. I needed to find a place to stop for the next chapter brcause I have a certain way it has to start.

And now I'm in the mood for some ice cream. Oberweis, here I come!!!!

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