Chapter 72- Leaving Libby

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  • Dedicated to Libby

Later, we went back to the hotel while Zayn dropped off Libby at her condo; she’s staying there while her, her mom and Valeria are vacationing here in California.

We got back into our room, and Zayn came shortly after.

He slowly knocked on our door, almost depressingly.

I answered the door to see that he had a sad expression on his face.

He slowly walked into the room, then face-planted onto the bed.

“What’s the matter, Zayn?” I asked, worriedly.

He mumbled something but it came out muffled, because his face was on a pillow.

“I’m sorry? I didn’t quite catch that.”

Niall came out of the kitchen and saw Zayn lying down on the bed. He looked confused and pointed at Zayn questioningly, as if silently asking me, "what's wrong with him?"

I shrugged my shoulders, sitting down on the bed beside Zayn’s head.

He turned onto his back so he was looking up at the ceiling.

I lifted his head and put it in my lap, sitting cross-legged.

“We’re leaving for tour tomorrow and I won’t be able to see Libby again.” Zayn whined.

“Aw, Zanie, you will see her again.” I promised.


“Well, she’ll be back in Chicago when we go back there, right? Maybe she’ll even come to other concerts. You know, she travels a lot.”

“We don’t know that she'll come for sure, and we go back to Chicago in November for a signing. November! That’s too long.”

“Well, you can always Skype, FaceTime, text, call, and when she’s in a town we’re in, you guys can meet up.” I suggested.

“I’ll ask management if she can come on tour with us!” He exclaimed, ignoring all my suggestions.

“Or you can do that.”

Niall laughed from where he was standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

“What if she can't come?” Zayn asked with a disappointed expression on his face.

“Well, then you make the best of every second you can spend with her."

“I hope she can come. You and Gaby came, so she probably can, too, right? I’ll call her and ask her if she wants to come. I need to call management.” He rambled.

“Knowing Libby, she’ll definitely want to go.” I assured.

“Thanks, Jasmine.” He sat up excitedly, and grabbed my face in his hands, kissing me on the cheek.

“Hey, hands off!” Niall joked.

“Alright mate, just being friendly.” Zayn stated, putting his hands up in surrender and then leaving the room.

Once the door closed behind him, Niall said, "yeah, being a little too friendly.”

I chuckled at Niall's childish behavior. Then, I went to go get my pajamas on (external link). After I did so, I walked over to Niall, who was standing by his suitcase, now in only pajama pants. I grabbed his hand and led him to the comfy king-size bed. I crawled under the duvet, pulling Niall in after me.

He had both hands on either side of my head and he hovered over me. He ever so slowly leaned closer and kissed me passionately on my lips.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

He rolled over and we were both on our sides. He lay down on his back and soon, I hovered over him.

I ran my fingers through his dirty-blond hair, our lips moving perfectly in sync.

He brought me closer to him by pulling me down by my waist, my hands against his toned, bare chest.

I wrapped my arms around his neck again. Then, we pulled slowly pulled away.

He kissed me once more, softly on my lips. He looked up at my face. “Why are you blushing?” He asked, giving me a small chuckle.

I felt my cheeks go even hotter. “Um, well... Wait, why are you blushing?!”

"Sometimes when you kiss me, I blush. It just happens, because I love you.”

“Well, every time you kiss me, I can't help but let my cheeks go up in flames. It's been that way since the beginning, and it will never change. I love you, too.”

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