Chapter 43- A vEry RanD0M dAy

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Today, the boys had an interview at Louis’ old high school. They went while Gaby and I were going to watch it on live on TV.

“Hey Gaby!” I called from the living room.

“Yeah?” She asked, coming out of the kitchen with two Poptarts in her hand.

"Oh, Poptarts!" I exclaimed giddily, bouncing up and down on the balls of my feet as I stole one from her.

She gave a small chuckle. "What did you want?"

“You want to do something really random?” I questioned, nibbling my strawberry-flavored snack.

“What did you have in mind?” Gaby asked, laughing and pinching my cheeks.

“I don't know. I just need to move! I can't sit still any longer." I stated, jumping up for emphasis. For a small girl, I have a lot of energy.

"Yeah, you were never really good with time-outs." she joked.

My eyes widened as I hatched an idea. "We can play dress up!" I suggested excitedly.

"Dress up? What, are we five?"

"No, stupid!" I joked. "We can dress up in the boys' clothes."

Her lips curved up in a mysterious grin. "Let's do it." she agreed.

First, we went into Louis’ room. I chose a pair of his red manpri’s, some suspenders, a striped shirt, and white Toms. I started taking pictures on my phone and making funny faces.

Gaby did the same, doing funny poses.

“I want a pair of suspenders.” I said to Gaby.

“They suit you,” she said, giggling.

"Remember, I used to have a rainbow pair?"

"How could I forget?" She asked, laughing. "You looked so... strange in them."

"That's what I was going for! But I got voted most outgoing that year."

"Hm. I wonder why!" She said, sarcastically.

"It's totally because I'm the most normal person you'll ever meet!" I stated sarcastically.

She laughed. "I'm not even going to pretend you're normal."

I touched my heart. "Aw. That means so much to me," I dramatically voiced.

Then, I put on one of Liam’s plaid shirts and Gaby put on Zayn’s varsity jacket. We took more pictures and got back into our own boyfriend’s outfits. We took even more pictures.

Next, Gaby got dressed in a pair of Harry's jeans and one of his blazers and white t-shirts. The jeans would've fallen off her waist if she hadn't wrapped Harry's belt around her waist multiple times.

I got dressed in Niall’s pants, white t-shirt, red sweatshirt, and his huge shoes (picture at the right). They were gigantic on me! The pants were sagging, the sweatshirt covered my hands and the shoes looked like clown shoes on my size 5 foot.

We got an idea, and did a short twitcam explaining our outfits.

"I'm Niall!" I mocked in an Irish accent.

"And I'm Harry." Gaby said in a husky, British accent. She shook her hair like Harry would, and smiled, poking her dimples.

The comments blew up, saying things like, "AW THAT'S ADORABLE!" to "You guys are my favorite couples."

It made me smile.

"OK, well, we have to go. Go watch the boys' interview, airing live in 20 minutes!" I announced.

We went and watched the interview, but we kept the clothes on.


Eventually, the guys came home.

“What are you wearing?” Niall asked, laughing. He scanned my outfit up and down.

“I look amazing, don’t I?” I said sarcastically, striking a pose.

“Gorgeous.” He said, but he wasn't being sarcastic. He pulled me closer by my torso and kissed me softly. "You make that outfit look baeutiful."

I blushed.

When we pulled away, I walked up to Louis and pulled a strap from his suspenders, then snapped it.

“Ow! What’d you do that for?” He asked dramatically.

“I’m just checking if gravity still works. It does.” I joked. “I want a pair of suspenders.” I stated with a serious expression on my face.

“Ok. I’ll get you a pair and we’ll match!” He said in a girlie voice.

“Yay!” I squealed.


“Hey guys?” Zayn asked later that night.

“Yeah?” Louis asked in response.

“What if we have a party; like a last party before we go on tour, you know?”

“That sounds like a great idea!" Harry exclaimed.

I've read enough articles and seen enough pictures to know that Harry loves to party.

“How about this weekend, then?” Liam asked. "We could text a few people, and see if they can make it."

“Brilliant,” Harry stated.

“Alright, then it’s set.” Liam said.

"Party!" I shouted excitedly.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. It was kind of a filler chapter I just wanted to do something that’s not dramatic; because there’s going to be a lot of drama from here on out.

Bye, babes! XX   :P

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