Chapter 80- Zayn's Sacrifice

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Jasmine’s P.O.V.

I knew what I was doing was wrong and I knew it was unhealthy, but if it meant being skinny and good enough for Niall, then it’s worth it.

The fans said I was fat, so it must be true.

Niall swept me off my feet and led me to the bedroom. He explained to me why this was bad, but I didn’t care.

I need to be skinny. I tried explaining why I did it, but he just got mad.

“No! You have to stop it,” He yelled at me. He raised his voice so high; it sent chills down my spine. I have never seen him this upset before, other than when he fought with Liam.

I looked down at my feet, ashamed and scaredl. I was shaking, sort of frightened of Niall's anger.

“Jasmine, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I yelled. I’m sorry I scared you.” He apologized. He put a hand on my back and drew random figures with his thumb, trying to comfort me.

Then, there was a knock at the door. I stood up to get it, but Niall stopped me.

“I got it.” He whispered.

I sat back down, and he headed to open the door.

He opened it just a crack, so I couldn’t see who was there.

I heard him murmuring to someone, but that’s it.

Then, Niall left the room and Zayn entered. He sat down next to me and put an arm around my shoulders.

“Hey, babe,” he nearly whispered.

“Hi,” I greeted quietly.

“Listen, I know you’re going through a tough time right now. I know what people are saying, but none of it is true.”

Great; another lecture telling me what I’m doing wrong. I thought.

“Come here,” he said, grabbing my arm and taking me to the bathroom.

We stood there, doing nothing.

“What are we doing in the bathroom?" I asked.

He took out a scale from a cabinet.

I felt my face drain of all color.

“How long have you been doing this?” He asked.

I shrugged, slightly. “Two weeks; two and a half, maybe.” I said quietly. I've been doing it for a while now, because the amout of hate is at its peak lately.

“How much do you think you weigh?” he sighed.

I took a deep breath. “Last I checked, I was 103 pounds. That was when I first started. Now, probably the same.” I said, ashamed at my weight.

“Step on there.” He said, pointing to the scale.

I hesitated, but did as he said. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see the number. I slowly stepped off, still not wanting to know my weight.

He sighed. “You weigh 90 pounds. That’s way too thin. It’s unhealthy.”

“But I'll be skinny soon, Zayn."

“You were skinny to begin with, now it’s bad.”

I frowned even more, feeling even more ashamed now for two reasons. First, because I'm still fat; second, because everyone is disappointed in me.

“I’ll make you a deal.”

I looked up at him hopefully.

“I know how much you hate it,” he continued, “so if you stop doing this and get into a healthier state, I’ll quit smoking.” He finished, sighing.

I looked at him in disbelief. It must be really hard for him to stop, because he smokes so often.

“Seriously?” I asked.

He nodded hesitantly.

I gave him a huge hug and he hugged me back. “It’s a deal.” I whispered in his ear.

“We’ll do it together. You’re my motivation and I’m yours.”

I nodded my head, smiling slightly. “Ok, I’ll do my best, and I know this is hard for you, so thank you. It’s nice to know you care so much, and I’m so proud of you.”

“I’m doing it because I love you. You’re like one of my little sisters.”

“You’re a good older brother.” I said, lightly chuckling.

This could actually work. It’s good to know someone cares enough to make a sacrifice for me.

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