Chapter 45- In Need of Comfort

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Jasmine’s P.O.V.

Liam came in my room and cradled me in his arms. “What’s wrong, love?” he asked worriedly, setting me in his lap, and cradling me in his arms.

I sniffled, pressing my face to his chest.

"That man can't hurt you anymore."

"It's not the man I'm upset about." I said quietly. "It's Niall. I saw him kissing Cheryl. When I called his name... he didn’t even look at me. When he finally did, it was to go back to making out with her.” I whispered. I buried my head deeper in his chest and his grip became tighter around me.

“Jasmine,you don’t deserve to be treated like this.” He picked up my chin, making me gaze into his chocolate brown eyes. “You’re too nice and you're gorgeous.”

I lifted up my head, gazing at him. “You really think so?”

“Yes. You’re the nicest person I’ve ever met. If anyone, including Niall, is so stupid as to throw somebody with that quality away, then it’s their loss.”

“Thanks, Liam.” Another tear rolled down my cheek and Liam wiped it away with his thumb.

“Well, you’re probably tired. So I’ll leave you alone.” He said, laying me down on the bed, and getting up to leave.

I grabbed his hand. “Wait,” I said. “Can you stay here with me?” I nearly begged. I really didn’t feel like being left alone right now. I needed someone to hold me and make me feel better.

“Of course.” He whispered. He lay down beside me and I cuddled up to him, placing my head in the crook of his neck.

One of his arms was around my waist and he drew lazy patterns on my lower back. He kissed me on the cheek, bidding me to go to sleep.

Liam’s P.O.V.

I was lying down with Jasmine in her bed. She was cuddled up to me and one of my arms was around her waist. I couldn’t help but feel that this was how things were supposed to be. I gently kissed Jasmine on her cheek, her eyes fluttering closed.

Everything was perfect and I believed this was fate. I know that she loves Niall but he treats her crudely.

She was in need of comfort and I was going to be the one to deliver it; not anyone else, especially not Niall. Not now.

He did something to her that no one deserves. He cheated on her, and it wasn’t the first time he's done so.

Everyone, especially Jasmine, deserves to be treated with respect. Jasmine needs someone as nice and caring as herself to be with.

Maybe, with time, she’d realize that.

Jasmine’s P.O.V.

I was so sleepy, and I was in Liam’s arms, which was comforting, giving everything that has happened tonight. I wanted to go to sleep, but thoughts and worries kept swimming around in my mind. Finally, my eyes fell closed and I heard Liam whisper something. I didn’t hear what he spoke, but I was far too tired to ask what he said. Soon enough, I was in a deep sleep.

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